Why Is Early Childhood Education Important?

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Early childhood education is usually understood to mean the learning process that takes place in children from birth until they start attending school, but this varies by country and can be up to the age of 2, 5, or 8. In the past, children often started their education at home, but now that both parents are working, children are temporarily placed with some kind of guardian or sent to kindergarten, and then you will be taught skills that will help you grow.

This early period is most important in laying the foundation for future development. Research shows that subsequent behavior and value formation develop during this period, and neglect can lead to deficiencies in the child that may not be correctable later. Early childhood education plays one of the most important roles as it supports children's social, emotional, and intellectual development. At this point, the child does not yet know his or her own identity and must be raised in an environment where he or she is free to develop and pursue his or her interests without restrictions or inhibitions.

This period of 5-8 years is a period of informal learning, during which the child automatically learns by listening to games, songs, dances, stories, etc. This learning process changes over time and becomes more orderly and structured, but the fundamental elements of learning through play remain the same.

Mental and physical abilities grow incredibly rapidly during this period, so it is very important that children receive the right support. Play with adult help and help children learn responsibility, social skills, values, and ethics. It is important to keep in mind that social values and behavior patterns, once acquired at this stage, cannot be easily changed later, so care must be taken. Slightly older children begin to learn both individuality and cooperation and, once again, begin to think and reason appropriately using play as a medium. Playing also helps children express themselves better, thus leading to emotional and social development.

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