Why Fiber-Filled Bricks Are Essential

Food And Drinks Published on

If you love baking bread, pizza, cookies, etc., you know how expensive ingredients can be. You may have already heard about Fibrament baking stones and how they can bake amazing pastries that are difficult to make with regular baking pans.

If you prefer flaky, artisanal, or hearth-like pastries, fibrament stones are the way to go.

When you place the dough in the oven, heat from the oven walls begins to penetrate the dough through convection (the circulation of hot air within the oven chamber). This provides enough heat for the pizza, cake, or bread you are baking and removes moisture from the oven. However, when the dough is placed on a baking stone, the oven's heat also circulates through conduction. In other words, there must be direct contact between the baked goods and the pizza stone. Thermal conduction transfers heat quickly and efficiently from the stone to the dough mass. This allows the interior of the dough to rise and water to evaporate before the stiff dough sinks to the surface, which limits dough expansion. At the end of the day, breads and pizzas have more "oven elasticity" and are crispier than bread-baked dough. Another thing worth mentioning is that pizza stones tend to maintain a constant oven temperature. This is very important if you want your pastry to bake evenly. As you know, bricks tend to increase the heat storage capacity (thermal mass) of the oven. So when the oven and stone get hot, the oven usually doesn't work as hard to keep the temperature constant. If you open the oven door to check the progress, you will notice that the temperature inside the oven recovers faster than when using a stoneless oven. What type of stone is required for this surgery?
When people hear the term "pizza stone," they think of hard-to-find stones that cost a lot of money to acquire. But in reality, bricks can be as simple as unglazed terracotta tiles available at your local hardware store. However, of course, you do not usually have to limit yourself to using unglazed terracotta tiles, as there are several specific stoneware products sold for this purpose. Characteristics of fibrous bricks 

Although you can use other stones to achieve the same results when baking, fibrament stones tend to have some beneficial properties. For example, it is thick and heavy. Unless you are extremely careless and drop it on the sidewalk, it won't break easily. Because the stone has a moderate thickness, it has more thermal mass to retain heat than any other stone. The stones are available in a variety of stock sizes but can also be customized to your ideal size, depending on your oven's capacity.

The last word

There is no doubt that pizza stones do a great job when it comes to baking. It retains heat and gives even better flavor when baking pastries. So, if you agree with this, you should seriously consider purchasing Fibrament bricks.

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