Which Metal Is Best For An Engagement Ring? Comparison Of A White Gold Ring And A Platinum Ring

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This confusion stems from the fact that most soon-to-be-engaged couples don't know anything about the distinctive properties of engagement ring metals other than their appearance to help make a decision.

To help consumers make an informed decision, here we discuss the different characteristics of white gold engagement rings and platinum rings.

brief introduction

Although platinum and white gold look the same at first glance and have similar aesthetic elements, they differ in many ways, including composition, density, hardness, and structural properties. Gold naturally has a slightly reddish-yellow color, so the white color is created artificially by adding white metals or white alloys such as nickel, manganese, and palladium. White jewelry, especially rings, is often plated with the metal rhodium, which gives it an excellent white luster and mechanical strength to withstand everyday wear and tear. On the contrary, platinum is a naturally occurring off-white metal that does not require additives to increase its shine or strength.


White rings have the same characteristics as yellow gold rings and are available in 18k and 12k. The 18K ring is made of 75% pure gold, but the other six parts, which make up 25% of the total ring, are made of other white metals that are important for their structural and morphological properties. A 12-carat ring is made of 50% pure gold, with the remaining 50% made from either silver, palladium, nickel, or manganese. Platinum is minted with purity ranging from 85% to 99.9%, depending on consumer preference. specific gravity

The ring has a specific gravity of 19.3, making platinum heavier, stronger, and denser than gold, which has a specific gravity of 21.4. This is why a platinum ring feels heavier on your finger than a white engagement ring.

Rings made of white gold, like gold, have almost no concerns about allergies and can be used with confidence. Humans are hypoallergenic, so white gold rarely causes allergic reactions. However, platinum is often mixed with ruthenium, iridium, or cobalt, even in small amounts, which can cause allergic reactions.

shine and durability

The ring is incredibly reflective, making its shine whiter and brighter. Platinum is not very shiny and will deteriorate over time. When it comes to durability, platinum rings are denser and stronger, making them much more resistant to wear and tear. Rings are not scratch-resistant. If the ring is scratched, a small amount of gold will be lost. Platinum, on the other hand, does not lose metal; it just moves. However, over time, platinum develops similar to copper, creating a dull appearance.

There is a slight price difference between platinum and white gold engagement rings. However, platinum rings are slightly more expensive due to their rarity, precision, and difficulty in manufacturing.

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