What Is The Fat-P System, And How Can It Optimize Your Web Design Workflow?

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In many cases, you've probably been so overwhelmed with your upcoming web design project that you've developed a mental block. These blocks keep building until frustration reaches its peak, resulting in projects being completely ignored, deadlines missed, and all sorts of other problems. This is where the FAT-P system helps get your mind back on track.

First: What is the FAT-P system? Basically, this is an acronym that stands for:

shape the
theme and
the purpose

Next time you're having a mental block, try this pre-draft exercise and see if it helps you get your head back in the game.

Form: The first step in any web design project is determining the best form for your website, whether it's a static page, blog, or Flash animation. In most cases, the client has little experience with her website, so it's the designer's job to discuss the details of what the client wants and help them reach that conclusion.

Target Audience: If you want your web design to be successful, it's important to define your target audience next. You will need to create a complete profile of the people visiting your website, including their age range and gender. Then you need to make sure that every aspect of your site revolves around that profile and appeals to those people. Theme: During the planning stages of a web design project, it is important for the designer to ensure that her website's theme and message are clearly communicated. Otherwise, it may get lost in the design. This also helps prevent later revisions during the revision stage, which can be very time-consuming.

Purpose: Finally, you need to make sure you understand the purpose or goal of your website. Is your customer trying to sell a product, build a community, present information about something, or generate leads? The answer to this question will help drive your design. Then you need to decide how to design your call to action. The next time you find yourself banging your head against a wall, having no idea what you want to achieve with your current web design project, remember that there's no need to despair. Just grab a blank piece of paper and brainstorm the following: FAT-P system.

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