What Are The Latest Productivity Tools On Social Media?

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What are the new adaptive devices in the social space? Originally Posted on Quora: a place to find and share information, where people can benefit from others and better understand the world.

Answer by Anne Lee Skates, Investment Partner at Andreessen Horowitz, on Quora:

After more than 10 long adaptations through the promotional model (profitable due to its complexity and the amount of information stored in the setup section), the site is trying to create a new society in different ways and a new adaptive model. They are inspired by the gaming business, trends in China, and early battle pioneers like Tinder, Spotify, and Venmo. I recently covered this topic from top to bottom as part of the a16z Social Strikes Back package. Important conclusion: Today we will look at six valid examples of non-advertising adaptation from new players in social circles.

Popular memberships: accept live stage memberships (more setup options) or producer memberships (parties pay a premium or monthly fee); membership can help "true fans" win the stage because these people often want to pay for more information, choose access, and work with producers. YouTube and Twitch have promoted this behavior.

Marketing tools and features allow creators to brand and deliver products to their fans through great things like live streaming and live virtual sales; Pinterest, Instagram, and even TikTok are in this space, but the latest ones like PopShop, Whatnot, Huddle, and Lit Live are participants who are working on live stream marketing (a mainstream phenomenon in China). . Virtual live events: encourage "tagged" presentations, collaborations, or face-to-face meetings (e.g., paid VIP memberships, premium live events that allow fans to view the content, but many times in the form of a single purchase); apparently accelerated by COVID-19. The development of new information. For example, Wave has partnered with popular artists such as John Legend and The Weeknd on award-winning virtual shows, with The Weeknd raising over $350,000 for a worthy cause rather than paying the ticket price (John Legend is doing it again for the right reason).

Interest-based networks: providing key feedback, optional resources, and local support to those who match your interests and challenges; for example, close-to-home or professional associations such as Pace, Top Knot, and The Grand; for example, local groups or self-development groups that provide training in live or pre-recorded sessions.

Premiums in software products or applications: charging customers for advanced products, such as virtual products, on-site maintenance, or advanced management; This model is still in its infancy in the United States (this model is popular in dating apps where customers buy new design packages to get more matches or to get their favorite matches or games; customers can upgrade, buy jewelry, and lift in the app), but it is mainstream in the big and small sections of China's professional networks (from Taobao, Kuaishou, and Interest Clear to dating apps like Momo). One of the differences between China and the U.S. is that it is common for hackers to "plant" jewelry and computer products that can be exchanged for Chinese products, often sold by U.S. consumers. Bravos coins. Answer by Alexandre Robicquet, CEO of Crossing Minds, on Quora:

As an entrepreneur, the best advice you can give depends on the circumstances in which you ask this question. Building an organization is an exciting journey. If you rely on the same advice in a recession as in an upswing, you will be in trouble.

Although there is an overlooked function that you can apply when you are looking for a way: how to get advice. As a business visionary, we accept the necessary decisions all day long, but sometimes we stop to think if we are getting success with this guide.

So the best advice I got was to respond to advice. Here are three tips I've learned as a founder and CEO:

Take that as a message. I once heard these words from my grandfather, who advised me at the end of a previous good deed: "Don't worry about me; I'm just a person." In short, immediately download the guide you receive. of a person Seen as a reference point in a decision-making process. No financial expert, business clairvoyant, or mentor has a magic formula.

Consider the spring. The person giving you guidance should understand the range of people's current experiences, consider their skills and experience, and be willing to assess their importance. Only one of each differing opinion deserves equal treatment, and you must give weight to their claims. You must challenge, question, tease, and judge its properties before applying them to your dreams and adventures.

Get your work done. When you advise, do your job. Don't believe everything. Paradoxically, I find that the louder a person sounds when you give advice, the harder you challenge them before agreeing. Stop talking. Consider researchers testing different components. It should be properly analyzed and determined before applying it to your dreams and goals.

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