Valuable Tips For Safe Online Shopping For Consumers

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There is no doubt that online e-commerce stores are the best place to shop. There are more choices, prices are competitive, everything is under one roof, and delivery is fast too. Over the years, online stores have become a haven for shopaholics. Wait a minute? What about hackers? Cybercrime is rampant, with phishing attacks and breaches of sensitive customer data occurring frequently. Phishing attacks impersonate legitimate websites and online banks in an attempt to steal consumers' login credentials and credit card information. Here are some important tips for safe online shopping: 

Buy from websites whose URL starts with HTTPS. 

Shopping site URLs that start with HTTPS instead of http indicate that they are secure and that consumer data is protected by Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption.

Protect your computer with antivirus. 

To combat identity theft and other malware, using an antivirus is your best option to shop safely.

Buy only from trusted websites. 

Every major retailer has an online store with its own domain name. For security reasons, avoid visiting misspelled websites or fake domain names, as scammers often create fake professional websites to lure innocent victims. please. Buy only from reputable websites by entering the seller's URL in the address bar.

Use strong passwords. 

When it comes to the best security precautions, passwords are the safest choice. Use a strong password for your online store account. Don't use your date of birth, phone number, address, or PIN code as your password, as they are weak and can be easily guessed by online thieves. For added security, enter a different password.

Maintain records of online orders. 

Most retailers will send you an email or direct you to a web page confirming your purchase, along with your receipt and confirmation number. Please keep all documents intact until the product is shipped to your address or desired location.

Monitor electronic payment statements. 

To guard against fraudulent charges from both e-commerce websites and financial companies, regularly check your electronic credit card, debit card, and checking account electronic statements.

Be wary of suspicious offers. 

The online consumer market is full of scams, so you should be wary of suspicious offers that claim to be genuine. We are often happy with the opportunity to purchase something for a fraction of its actual price. This should be avoided, as the temptation should be resisted. Pay by credit card. 

Credit cards have spending limits and are one of the safest payment options for online shopping. In fact, credit cards are very convenient for online shopping. Even if the thief is stopped, the damage may be limited. However, never use a debit card for online payments.

Follow the tips above when shopping online. Don't be fooled by hackers, and get the best deal.

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