Uniqueness Between Wimax And Wifi Wifi Internet Technologies

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If you're like many others, you may be wondering what this new wireless internet service called WiMax is and how it will affect you. The term stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access and refers to a recently introduced network connectivity protocol that allows users to access broadband connection speeds over a wide area. No wonder it's attracting so much attention. The service combines the two main aspects that Internet users generally expect from their online experience. These two factors are speed and maneuverability. By combining top speeds comparable to traditional wired broadband services such as cable and DSL with coverage areas the size of wireless carriers, we offer users flexibility like no other service. Additionally, you can also access the network via your mobile phone or laptop. The choice is yours.

There is another high-speed wireless web service that you may be familiar with. The correct name is WiFi. A lot of people these days confuse these two services, but this is a big mistake considering they are actually very different. At first glance, the two actually seem quite similar. Both do not require your PC or mobile phone to be physically connected to the network via wire or cable for online shopping. However, the similarities between these two services end there.

The biggest and most important difference is accessibility. First, WiMax networks are called WANs. This is an acronym for Wide Area Network, and a WiFi network is a type of LAN, or local location network. This will tell you something good right away. As the name suggests, the coverage area of a WAN is much larger than that of a LAN. When you connect to a Wi-Fi network, you usually need to be in the same room as your Wi-Fi router (even if you're not in the same room). Otherwise, the signal strength will be reduced. On the other hand, when you connect to a WiMax network, you can access it anywhere without any interruptions, making it virtually unlimited. This is because these networks are much more popular as mobile networks than Wi-Fi networks in terms of coverage. Like mobile phone companies, WiMax providers use large towers to send and receive signals. Thanks to these towers, a single coverage area is usually the size of an entire city.

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