Unacceptable Mistakes In E-Commerce Web Design

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Selling products online is more profitable than selling in department stores. The big advantage is that you can reach a global audience, which is not possible with brick-and-mortar stores. However, there are some things to consider when creating an effective e-commerce web design.

Designing an e-commerce website is not as simple as incorporating a few colorful product images and designs here and there like a regular website. It requires careful planning. I came across such a website with a flawed design. For this reason, it must be developed by a professional e-commerce solution provider.

This article highlights some of the design flaws that prevent such websites from functioning.

Difficult checkout process

This is an unacceptable mistake. There are websites that force buyers to go through a series of difficult steps, from ordering to final payment. The more steps there are, the more likely the visitor is to dislike your website.

Customers should be able to easily make purchases by providing their credit card information. It's best to create a single page where buyers can confirm their order, enter their payment details, confirm their order, and check out. Anything beyond that will only confuse you.

No detailed product information is available. 

A few days ago, I was interested in buying a mobile phone online. When I visited their respective websites, I found that they lacked product information. Information such as mobile phone software support or multimedia capabilities was not included. It only contained the phone's model number, weight, price, and color. I got mad and clicked away.

To entice visitors to buy your products, your online store must provide detailed product specifications, such as materials, sizes, dimensions, and additional features that users will appreciate. pathetic navigation

This is the most important feature of an e-commerce website. Shoppers can easily find the products they want to buy. If a user is fooled by confusing navigation buttons and menus, do you think they'll buy from you instead? No way.

Suppose you go to a department store to buy cereal, kitchen supplies, perfume, books, or DVDs, but you can't easily find them. How do you feel? I hope it's not a pleasant experience for you. In reality, you waste more time looking for the product than buying it.

The same applies to e-commerce websites. Products should be categorized so that they are easy to find and buy. When people shop online, they want convenience and speed, not confusion.

Items can be categorized by type and size, and each category must contain at least some items.

Inappropriate shopping cart design

The shopping cart is the most important part of your website. If users can't easily add or change items, buyers won't visit your site again. Make sure your shoppers can add and remove items from their shopping cart, as well as access the last page they were on. We also allow you to review shipping costs before proceeding to the checkout process. single product image

Even if he displays only one product image, customers will not gain trust in the product. They will be skeptical. Images should be in color and include shots of the side, front, back, and even specific attributes.

I hope this post helps you fix the errors highlighted above. Please comment if you like.

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