Types Of Lentils For Indian Cuisine That You Should Know About

Food And Drinks Published on

Lentils are small, highly nutritious legumes. It is an edible seed of the leguminous family. Each serving of lentils contains protein, fiber, and minerals. Lentils are inexpensive and highly nutritious. It can be stored for a long time without refrigeration. It is a staple food in many cultures around the world, especially in India. These lentils also play an important role in Indian cuisine as the main ingredient in a dish called dal. Lentils can be used in soups, stews, salads, and side dishes.

Due to their small size, they do not need to be soaked overnight like other legumes, making them relatively quick and easy to prepare. These are typically available at a low cost, making them an accessible form of high-quality protein. They are an excellent source of iron, which transports oxygen throughout the body and is key to energy production and metabolism. There are several species that can be distinguished by size, color, or both. Usually red, brown, green, or black.

Here are some types of lentils and the nutritional benefits of consuming them: 
Various lenses:

Brown lentils: This is the most common variety. Every bag in the supermarket says "lentils," so you can assume it's full of brown lentils. This variety ranges in color from khaki brown to dark black and has a mild, earthy aroma. Used to prepare salads, casseroles, soups, and stews, this variety also lowers cholesterol and protects against diabetes.
Green lentils: A bit similar to the brown ones. It has a firmer, slightly peppery taste and comes in a variety of sizes. This little thing is so delicious. This helps keep you feeling full for a long time. Known for its protein and fiber content.
Red lentils: This type of lentil ranges in color from orange to red and is a sweet, nutty lentil that is very common in Indian cuisine. It's the key to classic dishes like Indian dal. These are rich in folic acid, iron, and dietary fiber.
Black lentils: They are rich in protein and have a very rustic and beautiful appearance. You can make delicious dishes even if you soak them overnight. The antioxidants and carbohydrates found in black beans make them highly nutritious. Benefits of eating lentils:

Eating lentils can help lower cholesterol levels. It's rich in soluble fiber, which helps keep your arteries clean and reduces your risk of heart disease.
The insoluble fiber found in lentils prevents digestive problems such as constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.
They are an excellent source of iron, which carries oxygen throughout the body and is essential for energy and metabolic production.
Eating one cup of cooked lentils has only 230 calories, but it will keep you full for a long time. It contains no fat and is low in calories. This promotes weight loss.
These also contain folic acid, a B vitamin that helps women develop new cells, which is essential during pregnancy. Just one glass can provide you with almost 80–90% of the folic acid you need.

To get the most nutritional value from your lentils, it's important to include only the highest-quality brands in your pantry. If you have an Indian grocery store nearby, you can easily find all this there. If you live in the US, you can buy Indian groceries online at places like Desiclik.com. There, you can also find authentic Indian spices and various other grocery items. Explore a wide range of premium pulses online, including Moong (green), Masoor Dal (split red), Toor Dal (yellow), and more.

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