The Top 4 Most Demanding Programming Languages Of 2020

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The Top 4 Programming Languages of 2020

I read somewhere that programmers should learn an alternative programming language every year, but if you can't do that, I recommend you learn at least the following five programming languages to be successful in your career. Everyone loves a multilingual programmer and an all-rounder who is flexible enough to write simple scripts and can also write complex Java programs. In fact, understanding a particular language is almost mandatory for advanced developers. Interviewers will give more weight to engineers who have strong experience in multiple languages. C++ and Java work very well together, as do Python and Java. Personally, I like software developers who have extensive experience with C++ or Java and can script in Groovy, Perl, or Python. Small scripts for ad hoc tasks are often quick and appropriate and don't require programmers to spend a day in Java writing programs that read messages from CSV files or TCP/UDP ports.

Why did I choose these five programming languages? My reasons are practical and straightforward. I chose a language that supported its usage, paradigms, and perceptions. For example, if you want to try your hand at application development and find a job, you can't ignore Java. JavaScript is similar and can be found almost everywhere on the internet.

In my opinion, C is the only language that developers should learn at the beginning of their careers. C brings you closer to systems and helps you understand important programming concepts that are usually hidden behind the JVM and CLR.

My preferred scripting language is Python, but you can also substitute Perl or Groovy. However, when it comes to online support, Python is better. There are many Python modules available to get the job done in a few minutes. Similarly, learning object-oriented and functional programming languages such as Haskell and Scala expands your thinking and understanding of programming. If you want to know more about these top 5 programming languages, check out this article.

The 5 best programming languages every programmer should learn

Without further ado, here is a list of five programming languages that every programmer or software developer should learn. This includes a variety of languages, including object-oriented languages that provide a high level of control, functional languages, scripting languages, and languages commonly used in server-side development.
1. python

Python is one of the most commonly taught languages in schools and universities around the world. In the United States, Python has replaced Java as the introductory-level language of choice for many academic courses. What will you gain by learning Python? A lot.

Python is one of those languages that can be used both as a scripting language and as a suitable object-oriented language for large projects. Many popular websites, including Reddit, are based on Python frameworks such as Django. These days, many large organizations are also switching to Python-based frameworks.

However, I personally use Python for scripting and find it useful when I want to do something quickly. For example, you can create a UDP message listener in 5 minutes in Python compared to 20 minutes in Java without compiling, packaging, and using it. Easily create Python scripts for ad hoc tasks.

If you're initially confused between Java and Python, check out this infographic comparing Java and Python.

2. Java

Java has been one of the most popular languages of the past 20 years, dominating the world of server-side application development. Additionally, the company has gained significant market share in the world of Android mobile game and application development, as well as enterprise web development.

Java started with the simple idea of write once, run  anywhere, but over time, Java has come to be able to actually run anywhere.

To build powerful and scalable server-side applications, you need to learn Java. Create projects of any complexity with Java, its tools, technology, and a supportive community.

Why should you learn Java? Learn how to specialize in application design and code structure without fearing system-specific details or memory management. JVM handles it.

Python and Java

You cannot become a programmer without knowing C or C++. These are strong words, but I say them from my own experience. Software engineers and developers who understand C are simply better than programmers who don't know C, and that's no coincidence.

It's one of the languages you should know. I learned C while in school and learned many important programming concepts such as structures, arrays, pointers, and memory management. C continues to be the language of choice for systems programming, and for the past two years, it has taken the top spot in stiff competition with Java.
4. JavaScript

You could replace Java with C++ and Python with Ruby in this list, but honestly, there is no substitute for JavaScript in today's world. Over the past five years, JavaScript has completely taken over the planet. This is no longer a client-side scripting language. Frameworks and libraries such as Node.js, Angular.js, and React.js also allow you to develop user interfaces using JavaScript on the server side. Part of JavaScript's overwhelming success is due to jQuery, which truly changed the way JavaScript is used on the client side. Actually, I am a Java programmer working on JSP and servlet-based applications and have had many opportunities to use both jQuery and JavaScript.

By understanding this language, we were able to determine which features needed to be implemented on the server side and which features could be handled on the client side. For example, a lot of the validation we used to do on the server side has been moved to the client side.

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