The Importance Of Responsive Web Design In 2017

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You may be wondering why it is important to update your current website and what the importance of web design is. You are looking for a design company that can update your website, voluntarily or involuntarily. You may or may not be convinced that professional web design can generate new business. Believe it or not, some studies have proven that professional web design generates more customer traffic.

A better website user interface will improve your conversion rate, which will also help you generate new business. There are more mobile devices than people on the planet today. Most people own a variety of devices. Therefore, it is important that your website looks good and works well on all devices. For your website to work on all devices with all screen sizes, you need a responsive web design. It enables everyone to have an intuitive and satisfying user experience, regardless of the device they use to access your website.

To better understand the importance of responsive web design, let's compare custom web design with responsive web design. (i) The importance of responsive web design over regular web design

Before the concept of responsive websites, it was common to create multiple websites to accommodate different screen sizes. Now, a single responsive web design allows your website to adapt to screen resolutions, display sizes, browsers, and operating systems. This website uses technology to automatically respond to displays and display preferences.

In addition to responsive web design, there are two different ways to create a custom web design that provides a mobile-friendly experience. They are:

1. dynamic serving,

 a system where a server responds to the same URL using different HTML and CSS depending on the device.
2. Adaptive Web Design:

 It is a system where the top level of his website contains a folder with a mobile version. After automatically detecting the device, the website redirects the smartphone visitor to the mobile website.

(ii) Multiple device support

Custom web design's separate mobile site features will be disappointing as the layout will not work on all screen sizes and will not display optimally on different screen sizes. However, responsive web design ensures that it works well on any screen size. When new devices with new screen sizes come out, adaptive web design won't work because the layout won't fit well. This requires regular maintenance, as you will need to edit the layout or add new layouts. Nevertheless, responsive web design has the flexibility to adapt to screen size independently.

(iii) improve search engine rankings;

Basically, we found that there are three options for creating a mobile-friendly design, of which responsive web design is the best. Responsive web design is a design pattern recommended by Google. Google often recommends developers use responsive websites to optimize their websites for the search engine algorithms they launch. This is because responsive websites have a single URL and HTML regardless of device, making it easier for Google to crawl, index, and organize your content. Google also prefers responsive web design because it makes it easy to share links. Content from a single URL is easier to share, manipulate, and link to than content stored on separate mobile websites.

(iv) Future usability

As the number of devices on the market continues to rapidly increase, so does the need for responsive websites. Responsive design is more than just resizing your website to fit different screen sizes. This makes it easier to read, faster to access, and reduces bounce rates. Responsive web design utilizes the key tactic of reducing image size when a small screen is detected on a smartphone to provide the best possible user experience.

(v) Improving Conversion Rates

It's safe to say that mobile usage has reached its peak. Therefore, if you want to win the hearts of mobile users, you need to be able to provide the best user experience. This is possible through responsive design. One recent study showed that responsive websites can increase visitor numbers by 10.9%, while websites with custom web design can only achieve a 2.7% increase in sales. It has been. In this world, it's important to always stay one step ahead of the competition. Therefore, you need a responsive website to increase conversion rates.


If you want your online business to succeed, you can't ignore the benefits of responsive web design. So please be sensitive!

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