The Importance Of Multiple Languages For Students

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Nowadays, it is becoming more and more important for students to learn multiple languages in Pakistan due to advancements in technology and other related fields where students need to communicate with different countries of the world. Learning foreign languages has become an important and basic need to meet the demands of an ever-changing world. The world has become a global village where people around the world are connected through the Internet. Whatever the purpose of such communication, it is true that we need a common means of communication in order to understand and communicate with each other, and this is only possible through a common language. Considering this fact, you can see how important and necessary it is to learn multiple languages. In Pakistan, it seems difficult for students to learn four different languages at the same time at the elementary level. These four languages are English (an international language), Urdu (a national language), Arabic (an Islamic language), and regional languages related to the customs of the region.

Different authors and scientists have different opinions on this topic. Some believe that learning multiple languages is beneficial for students. This activity keeps students active and helps them develop a sense of learning something new in a new language and its associated culture. Another group of people assumes that it is a basic requirement for survival in global competition. So why is it considered difficult for students to learn multiple languages at the elementary level? The answer is quite simple. Young children in primary school are more likely to be open-minded and interesting than those who are experienced and efficient. Students find it difficult to cope with the burden of different and difficult grammar rules and language structures and are forced to learn such languages, which is a difficult task for adults.

For a child, it is not easy for him to understand the grammar rules of four languages at once. It can seem difficult for students to learn and practice four different languages, grammar rules, and vocabulary. Students sometimes find it difficult to follow Urdu grammar rules to learn Urdu, the national language of Pakistan.

Although it is a difficult task for teachers to first learn another language by themselves and then teach it to students at the elementary level, Moreover, it is a mistake to think that if a teacher lectures on language learning, students will get the impression that she has mastered the language after taking one or two lessons. Thus, most students are not interested in the content being taught, moral behavior, or good practices. It is observed that a student can concentrate on a few subjects, or at least on one language. Although various subjects are taught at the school level, it is left to the students to learn and master the language on their own, and mastering multiple languages perfectly is the wrong approach.

Suppose a student enrolls in a school in Karachi (a city in Pakistan) and belongs to a border tribal region. His or her native language is Pashto. Then you will find it easy for the person to learn multiple languages. Even speaking and learning Urdu, the local language, is difficult for these students.

Therefore, this is the main duty of those who formulate and implement educational policies in Pakistan, and it is important to pay attention to this issue. Create better policies that will prove beneficial for the next generation as they learn multiple languages.

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