The Importance Of Child Education In India In 2022

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Education is the key to success in everyone's life. Education civilizes you and gives you a broader perspective to see things differently. Therefore, everyone understands and accepts the importance of raising children in life to advance their path. Quality education in the first few years lays the foundation for a bright future. India has around 1.3 billion young people, and this is a huge step forward for the country. On the other hand, a lack of proper education and skills turns this scenario 180 degrees. UNICEF India responds to the general needs of children, including better education. Access the UNICEF website with just a click.
The importance of raising children

The first few years, from ages 0 to 8, are the most special period in a child's growth and development. During these years, the foundation for all learning is laid. Getting the basics right has major long-term benefits in terms of improved school learning and higher education outcomes, leading to major social and economic benefits for society. Research shows that high-quality early childhood education development (ECD) programs minimize dropout and retention rates and improve school outcomes at all levels. Preschool education provides children with a stable foundation on which further learning can be built, making each stage of their education more efficient and productive. The main pre-primary education delivery platform used by the Government of India is ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services). This centrally supported and state-managed early childhood development program is one of the six basic services (along with immunization, health check-up, referral, nutritional support, growth monitoring, and health and nutrition education) serving 1.37 million anganwadis. The school provides pre-school education. Center.
What are the early education programs of the Government of India in 2022? 1) EECE Directive

The Government of India introduced the National Early Childhood Education (ECCE) Policy in 2013 to recognize the importance of early childhood education through investment in child development, including early childhood education (ECE) and its impact on lifelong development and learning. It was adopted. Cycles of inequality and disadvantage. This policy is accompanied by a framework and quality standards for the ECCE curriculum in the country.

According to a study by such a committee, approximately 8 out of 10 of her children between the ages of 3 and 6 participate in her ECCE program in some way. However, there were significant differences between states, with Uttar Pradesh having the lowest participation rate at 43.7% and Karnataka having the highest participation rate at 86.6%.
2) SSA scheme

Under the Right to Free Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, the Government of India launched Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, which has been successfully implemented in all rural areas of India. To raise awareness of the importance of children's education, SSA aims to improve school infrastructure, reform curriculum and assessment, identify learning indicators, and develop improved learning and teaching methods that lead to better learning outcomes. . A total of 3.64 LACS schools were opened to provide primary education to rural children and spread the learning habits and importance of early childhood education.
3) Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan

Another important education policy of the government is to provide secondary education to children. The goal of this program is to provide schools within measurable distance so that children do not drop out of school, as well as provide better learning opportunities. The program added blocks, school infrastructure, toilet facilities, libraries, etc. and allowed her to increase secondary school enrollment from 52% to 75%. 4) Samagra Shiksha

This government program, enacted in the 2018–19 federal budget, was launched to focus on comprehensive education from kindergarten to normal status. 12 for no segmentation. This scheme has put special effort into it. The importance of educating children focuses on two of his T principles: technology and teachers. With the introduction of digital learning and her grants of Rs 5,000–20,000 to libraries, government schools are better than ever. The role of public schools is very important, especially in India. Poverty and a lack of wealth cause some bright students to drop out of school. This kind of support from the government is the beginning of social development.
Why is parenting important?
What else can you gain through education other than book knowledge? There are several other reasons why raising children is important, and they are:
overall progress

School was once thought of as a place where students could learn about historical events, solve difficult math problems, and read poems and sonnets. Learning for young people goes far beyond mere memorization. Through a robust curriculum, children develop their curiosity, ask questions, and learn to connect with their minds. Young people are freed from the shackles of mental blocks and are able to express their imagination freely. The importance of imagination is strongly emphasized. Activities and a comprehensive curriculum help students develop better cognitive systems.

Besides living, there are other things to learn in life. Even when our parents teach us something, it is often one-sided. Children are faced with a variety of topics at school.
Learning social skills, soft skills, and communication skills through interaction with other students from different backgrounds simultaneously prepares students to overcome inhibitions and change their interpersonal skills. School doesn't just teach you book-based knowledge; it gradually makes you a better person. Children learn about basic human groups, their roles, and joining a team. 
Building physical strength

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