The History Of An Ancient Love For Sparkling Gemstones

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I love jewelry, so I've always been interested in the history of these pieces. Today, the jewelry market has expanded to a dynamic circle that includes professional designers, goldsmiths, handmade jewelry makers, and gemstone experts. The variations when purchasing decorative jewelry are endless, both in terms of materials and designs. It's a very interesting thought as to who started this trend in the first place. Because, as far as I know, jewelry is always in fashion and never goes out of style. If we go back to the earliest signs of life on Earth, cavemen immediately come to mind. It's very interesting to learn about their lifestyle, which is very organic and natural. It is said that the first jewelry made from seashells was discovered thousands of years ago in one of the caves on the African continent. Isn't that an interesting discovery? Thousands of years ago, people lived in caves, relied on hunting for food, and used natural cover such as leaves and animal skins. Some people thought of decorating themselves with shell jewelry.

I mean, it's really creative! It turns out that the Egyptians were the first to introduce decorative ornaments. Cairo's pyramids, mummies, and sphinxes make the Egyptian era seem like a fantasy tale. The power of the kings was immense, and this was reflected in the rich gold jewelry they wore. Now, it is interesting to know that jewelry became so important during Egyptian times that wealthy men wore it even after death. The Egyptians proved to be very creative by adding glass and precious jewels to their ornate decorations. The Egyptian necklace and headdress worn by Nefertiti are classic examples of the importance of this jewelry in ancient Egypt. Unraveling the history of Mesopotamia opens your eyes to some of the most creative and wonderful jewelry. They were truly amazing designers! Their pieces featured gold, silver, and precious stones, but what fascinated me most was the design. Their crowns were designed with carved shapes of animals, fruits, and leaves.

Such stylized designs are unique even in today's world. They made amulets, necklaces, anklets, pins with jewel heads, cylinder seals, etc. Many modern designers draw inspiration from the heavy decorative styles of the Mesopotamian period for their creativity and uniqueness. Looking at Greek jewelry creates a desire to own its extremely beautiful designs. Spiral gold earrings from the 16th century BC. It's so well designed that it easily beats today's designers. It is said that the Greeks were masters of making colorful ornaments from jewelry and glass. Other materials included gold, ivory, clay, and bronze. Jewelry there was simpler than that of the Egyptians and Mesopotamians and was not used in everyday life, although the evil eye was worn to protect against supernatural forces. Most of their works were dedicated to their god.

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