The Battle Over Geoblocking In The Streaming Business

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Streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ are rapidly replacing traditional over-the-air or cable TV services. Customers prefer to subscribe to on-demand content because it is available. In today's world, everyone is busy with work, family, and life in general.

They don't have time to sit and wait for their favorite shows. People subscribe to streaming services because they want to watch them whenever they want. However, the downside to streaming services is that providers typically implement geo-blocking to prevent customers outside of certain regions from accessing certain content.
Is it legal to use a VPN?
Although virtual private networks may conjure up images of illegal activities and mysterious figures on the dark web, using a VPN is still completely legal in the United States and most Western democracies. In fact, most companies use it for security purposes and provide secure network connectivity to their employees' devices through company VPN encryption.

A VPN helps you anonymize your digital activities. Because of this, ISPs and governments find it difficult to track, monitor, or control the activities of VPN users.

However, keep in mind that not all VPNs are safe to use, and illegal activities done through a VPN are still illegal. For example, violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act or downloading child pornography is still illegal, even when using a VPN.

Countries that have banned VPNs include China, Russia, Belarus, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Turkey, Uganda, North Korea, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.
Why do streaming companies implement geo-blocking? There are many reasons why streaming service providers go to the trouble of using geoblocking. The main reason is licensing restrictions. Movie studios want to decide when and where certain content can be streamed. All licensing agreements with streaming providers include terms such as which regions can access certain content and when. US streaming customers typically have the earliest access to most content. More remote regions, such as Southeast Asian countries, may not have access until several months later.

Concerns about copyright infringement and price differentials are important factors influencing such licensing decisions. Ultimately, it's all about maximizing your return on investment. For example, customers in the United States can afford to pay more for streaming privileges compared to other countries. Therefore, it makes sense to limit early access to the US only, as streaming providers can earn more revenue before relaxing geo-blocking restrictions later.

Additionally, with increased enforcement in the United States against digital piracy, pirated content is less likely to appear online. Perhaps in six months to a year, you'll be able to target people in low-income countries and release your content to other markets at a cheaper price.

In 2021, Netflix will introduce two strategies to catch fraudulent users. Netflix has announced plans to resume blocking users who access geo-restricted Netflix content through their VPNs and proxies. How can customers bypass geo-blocks?
Tech-savvy customers use proxy servers, such as VPNs, to bypass geo-blocking restrictions. There are also several ways to bypass geo-blocking and access your favorite girlfriend websites using the Tor browser or smart DNS. Connecting to her VPN server in the US allows users to access restricted content.

Want to watch the latest series and movies? No problem! Just use a VPN server when you subscribe to and access streaming services. Other users may choose to subscribe in regions with lower prices. Again, all of the above methods help obscure the user's location when subscribing. Streaming services can now easily block such customers using IP2Proxy. 

Streaming service providers are in violation of their licensing agreements if they allow users to access content outside of their licensed territories. Therefore, you must implement geo-blocking to legally protect yourself. It also loses money when customers can enroll in cheaper regions.

Fortunately, IP2Proxy includes data about proxies such as VPNs and private proxies. This data allows streaming services to detect and block any time a user uses a proxy to gain benefits. The proxy discovery database is updated daily, so IP2Proxy helps you discover the latest proxies faster. This prevents malicious customers from consuming unauthorized content and reduces financial losses. diploma

IP2Proxy data covers the major proxy providers, making it easy for streaming services to block most unauthorized customers. Being able to detect notoriously elusive residential proxies is a huge advantage. The combination of geoblocking and IP2Proxy proxy detection ensures that streaming service providers avoid financial losses. Detect proxies and prevent attacks and anonymous access with the IP2Proxy proxy detection solution. 

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