The 5 Most Important Things You Should Ask Yourself If You Want A Successful Music Business

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Musicians are often looking for answers to the wrong questions.

Fact: Musicians are looking for answers to all the wrong questions. What problem am I talking about? It's a question for all fans or people who have never heard of music. These questions stem from the ignorance, prejudice, fear, and self-destructive thinking that surround some people's perceptions of how the music world works. By finding answers to these questions, your chances of successfully developing a music business will be greatly reduced.
To develop a successful music business, you need to understand how the music industry works and use that knowledge to ask the right questions. When you ask questions like these and get answers from successful professionals in the music field, your ability to build a successful career will accelerate.

Here are five questions musicians should ask about the music industry:

Question #1: Why do record labels and bands work with some musicians and not others?
Many musicians believe that people in the music industry work with people who know music and are likely to be in the right place at the right time. It's wrong!

Bands, record labels, and other corporate artists are looking for unique qualities in the people they work with. They want someone with good intentions, great skills, and the right attitude. Once you develop all these things (and work to improve these qualities), you can become a successful professional musician.

Watch this video to learn more about music companies and bands asking you:

(Use this free Music Career Success Assessment to see if you've developed these skills yourself.)

Question #2: How do you turn casual fans into followers?

Don't ask, "How can I get more followers?" Why? If fans are just fans, it doesn't matter how many fans you have. What is a common fan? These are people who like your music but don't actually buy or support you in any way. This means that loyal fans will buy your entire album, wear your band t-shirts, attend your live shows, and even get your band logo tattooed. So, which band do you think will help your music industry grow faster? When you create a big and dynamic target, you will promote yourself a lot, tell people about your music and shows, and sell everything you do.

Take this free music promotion assessment to learn how to promote your music and how to turn casual fans into fans.

Question #3: How do I transition smoothly from my day job to making music?

Chances are, your family asked you to have a backup plan in case your music performance doesn't work out.

Fact: This is one of the most common ways musicians end up stuck in a job they hate instead of pursuing their dreams in the music industry. Imagine watching your musical dreams go unfulfilled as the months, years, and decades go by.

The good news: Anyone can go from a daily job to a very successful musician (I know, because I have helped many musicians do this). First, you just need to ask the right questions to focus on the products you really want.

Next, you should learn how to increase your income as a musician and develop an exit strategy to leave your non-music career (i.e., completely replace your salary with income from your music industry). Working with a music industry coach can help you achieve these goals quickly. Question #4: How do I get involved in the music industry?
Many people in the music industry hope that companies will offer them opportunities, contracts, or salaries because they exist. Of course, this does not happen; only a small percentage of musicians are willing to ask what they have to do to make it. .

To get the best opportunities in the music industry, you need to raise yourself above others and reduce the risk to other people and companies.

For example: Think about the challenges of getting a new job. Musicians often only think about what's in it for them (getting new work) and never think about what the bookies and site owners want (i.e., more people in the area). As a result, these singers don't do much and don't understand why.

Question #5: How can I achieve financial security throughout my music career?
Many musicians are so afraid of breaking into the music industry that they never even try to make it (and give up on their music dreams in the process). In fact, the music industry is a very stable and profitable industry. However, most musicians do not make a good living for three reasons:

1. They believe musicians need to work hard to survive. This mentality destroys all your desires for a better life.

2. They want careers in the music industry rather than seeing themselves as entrepreneurs.

3. They don't develop many sources of income related to music, including:

Independence: If something happens and you lose one of your incomes, other sources will always support you. Be consistent. All the money you earn will be used to support your ultimate musical goals.

Balance: You will be paid for your income. 

Simple: a part of your income that you will receive immediately after the job is done, so that you don't have to work for a day.

By running your music industry like a business and building these income streams, it's easy to make six figures or more a year as a musician. Best of all, being a professional musician offers more security than a day job.

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