Sports Day Award 

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I have heard a variety of opinions regarding school sports days. Many people believe that it is unfair for less able children because they have to watch more athletic children win prizes that they will never get. There are also many people who believe that only the first place should be recognized. They don't understand why we have to give trophies and medals to second- and third-place athletes. One teacher said that they would give trophies to all students so as not to differentiate between high and low-ability students. I thought that was strange. Why not give out trophies and save money? The students seemed to need the feeling of being praised, whether they did well or not.

There seems to be a growing desire to praise students who perform better than other students, regardless of whether they actually performed as well as their peers. Hosting a sports day will certainly highlight differences in children's abilities, unless you allow everyone to win the competition. I would argue that if you choose this solution, you're not having a field day, but some other activity. I don't see any point in giving a trophy to a kid who clearly didn't do as well as one or more of his classmates. Life is not easy for those who do not learn that there are certain things they are good at, while others can only achieve the same level of success with a significant amount of practice and dedication. Masu. Some sellers close the deal, and some don't. Someone gets the job at the expense of other applicants. Maybe that's life. Giving children the impression that we can be successful at any age is just a deception.

Going to the opposite extreme and not acknowledging second place or third place may not be the best, but it is appropriate encouragement for children who are significantly ahead of most other children. It won't. First, you need to decide on your destination and where you can find the cheapest prices. A medal or trophy for second place should be an attempt to encourage the child to work harder and practice to achieve first place.

Sports Day gives children the opportunity to shine and perform for top honors. Good sportsmanship can be taught to both winners and losers. Sportsmanship is a very important virtue for anyone who can handle defeat with a positive attitude or who has the ability to handle victory with grace and not let up on the gas. A trophy simply recognizes someone as the fastest, strongest, better swimmer, etc. These should be obvious to all viewers. Why pretend otherwise? I'm a firm believer that those who aren't doing so well should be encouraged to improve or find something else they're good at.

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