Spam Control: Not Online?

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30,000,000 emails are sent every day worldwide. 50% of these emails are spam. Blue-chip companies and even governments are actively controlling space. The latest evidence is the CAN-SPAM Act passed by the US Senate in early 2004. 

If you look at why most people use the Internet, you will see that the most common activity on the Internet is sending and receiving email. Email has become the lifeblood of modern society. A good social experiment would be to see what would happen if a group of young professionals suddenly lost all electronic means of communication. Email has become as much a part of our lives as light bulbs, air conditioners, and telephones.

What will happen if space control is not implemented worldwide? What if the email server's spam filters and spam rules are accidentally disabled? The internet is in chaos! The internet will end as email servers fill up the space. Each spammer sends hundreds of millions of spam emails every day, consuming the world's bandwidth.

Without space management, businesses can become paralyzed. Great emails get buried under a sea of myths, Viagra, and breast enhancement emails. Without spam control, households that use e-mail and the Internet often have problems sending and receiving e-mails, which can take up to 100 times the amount of spam they receive. . Internet connection speeds suffer as ISPs struggle to keep users online while bandwidth is limited.

IT analysts estimate that in 2006, an Internet user received at least 1,500 spam messages per month. This is an estimate. Efforts must be made to stem the tide of space. ISP resources that support spam should be deleted. Athletes and their equipment should be prosecuted. If we don't try to manage space, it's our own fault.

The internet is a shared resource that we all use. We need to improve spam control and increase efficiency and effectiveness so that we can maintain control over our virtual lives.

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