Solid Scientific Facts

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Science is not just a collection of facts, concepts, and useful concepts about nature, but even the systematic study of nature, although both are general descriptions of science. Science is the art of studying nature, a way of knowing about nature and discovering reliable knowledge about nature. In other words, science is a way to obtain reliable knowledge about nature. Although there are other ways to discover and learn knowledge about nature (these other knowledge methods or systems are discussed below in contrast to science), the only way that leads to the production of reliable information is through science.

Stubborn fact:

Many historical facts that we believe to be true are often not what they seem. We learn about legends, myths, and half-truths. I believe that we should embrace the future while improving on the past, and for this, we need to know all the elements of historical events, the gray areas of truth, fiction, and hearsay. Much of what we know about history is still speculation. Sure, you can know hard facts like the schedule, names, number of people, time, location, etc., but you have to rely on guesswork to piece all the facts together.

For example, when the Titanic sank in April 1912, the band famously played to the end. Just before the cargo sank, passengers heard the echoes of the hymn "Nearer My God to Thee." Well, not completely. Many passengers said they heard the song, while others were equally convinced that the band was playing the national anthem, "Autumn." Some claimed that the music played was upbeat, popular ragtime music. There are even reports that the band stopped playing almost half an hour before the ship sank. So, what do we believe? This is where the truth gets in the way and hearsay begins, but let's deal with the truth first. Apart from considerations by the ship's stoker, everyone else agreed that the band's music would be heard almost to the end. To confirm this, one need only consider the testimony of two men: Charles Lightoller, the ship's second officer, and Harold Bride, Marconi's deputy (radio) operator. Both men were on deck minutes before the ship's final jump, and a band played at the base of the forward chimney most of the night. Lightoller and Bride were among a group of men struggling to free the collapsible boat from the roof of the officers' quarters, about 8 meters from the front chimney. At about 2:10 a.m., the ship began to sink rapidly, the bridge submerged, and the workers quickly reached the lifeboats, engulfed by water. Both Mr. Bride and Mr. Lightoller said that the band is still playing independently of each other, so it's safe to say that the band played almost to the end. Diploma:

From the topic above, something like that should be clarified. That is, in fact, science is not just a collection of facts, concepts, useful concepts about nature, or even the systematic study of nature, although both are general descriptions of science. Science is the art of studying nature, a way of knowing about nature and discovering reliable knowledge about nature. For more stubborn facts, visit Science Fun for Better Knowledge.

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