Soba Spaghetti With Chicken And Vegetables

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Soba spaghetti is a traditional Japanese special food.

Would you like to enjoy ethnic and Oriental cuisine at home? Enjoy this wonderful classic Japanese dish with us. Soba with chicken and vegetables is a recipe with very ancient origins and one of the most typical Japanese culinary traditions. The aroma of roasted sesame seeds on everything gives a special touch to the dishes that you are sure to try and love at one of the many Japanese restaurants throughout Italy.

Soba is a special pasta made from buckwheat flour, usually in spaghetti or tagliolini form. Soba is made using a variety of spices, often with vegetables, and served both hot and cold, and even in dashi (kakesoba).
Soba tradition

In Japan, soba is one of the most popular dishes and can be purchased at restaurants, train stations, and even special stand-up locations (such as fast food restaurants). In Japan, it is said to be eaten with distinctive chopsticks.

If we Westerners also want to buy this product, we should pay attention to the ingredients when purchasing. Soba made from wheat or buckwheat flour is easily available at supermarkets. If the mixture mainly contains buckwheat, the quality of the product will be higher and healthier. Therefore, it should be noted that the buckwheat paste must contain absolutely necessary ingredients in the right proportions.
Soba spaghetti taste and health

Soba with chicken and vegetables is a nutritious first course based on Japanese culinary knowledge. This special soba is rich in nutritional components, mainly B vitamins and carbohydrates. Buckwheat, which is an important source of energy for the body, contains fat and protein. These substances contained in buckwheat are essential for the harmonious development of the organism at the organ and muscle levels. At the same time, buckwheat helps regulate body temperature and hormone production.

Lysine, phenylalanine, leucine, arginine, valine, and cysteine are some of the essential amino acids found in this excellent food. The properties of soba show how healthy and delicious Japanese cuisine is. In fact, oriental gastronomic knowledge often reveals an incredible balance of nutrition and taste. Culinary traditions fascinate us and constantly influence our experiments in the kitchen.
Here is a recipe for buckwheat with chicken and vegetables. Ingredients Serves 4:

Spaghetti soba 250g,

400g, chicken breast

2 zucchini

2 carrots

1 green onion

5 tablespoons of soy sauce

2 tablespoons of roasted sesame seeds

2 tablespoons sesame oil.

Wash the zucchini and carrots. Cut into strips. Peel the green onion and cut it into thin slices. 

Clean the chicken breasts and cut them into strips. Marinate the meat in soy sauce for about 20 minutes. After marinating the chicken, drain the water, but do not discard the liquid. Fry the sesame seeds in a frying pan with a small amount of oil, then add the vegetables and chicken and stir-fry over high heat. Boil the soba noodles in plenty of lightly salted water. Fry the spaghetti for 5 minutes, then pour water into the pot and wait for it to start cooking again. When it is ready, pour it into a saucepan with vegetables and add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. Garnish with other sesame seeds, and enjoy.
Note for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity

Always check whether the ingredients you use to prepare a recipe are suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Check for ear blockage, the presence of the Association of European Celiac Societies (AOECS), or information on the manufacturer's label.
Precautions for those with lactose intolerance

From the minister's announcement: The word "delactosert" was previously associated with the word "meal" and has been removed. The term lactose-free is instead used for dairy products and milk with a lactose content of less than 0.1 g per 100 g or ml.

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