Shared Web Hosting Overview

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Shared hosting refers to sharing the same server hardware between multiple databases and websites without compromising the security of the individual websites. In this type of web hosting, multiple websites share resources such as storage space and network connectivity.

With shared hosting, the service provider handles all the technical aspects, from server configuration to administrative support. The service provider is also responsible for security updates and technical support for the service. C-Panel allows you to manage and create websites, add domains, or access files through your browser. C-Panel also allows users to conveniently operate the server without any technical knowledge. This panel consists of file management, domain management, installing scripts for WordPress or your blog, and email settings. Online file managers allow you to upload, create, and delete files. You can organize files into folders and change permissions. You can also create a backup and download a personal ZIP copy of your entire website. If you want to have a fully functional website at an affordable cost, shared web hosting is the way to go.

It is very popular and preferred among small businesses and webmasters because it is cost-effective. In addition to availability and affordability, it also offers the benefits and features of dedicated managed hosting. Whether you're an experienced webmaster or have little or no technical knowledge, creating and managing your online presence is easy with our comprehensive control panel and management tools.

Generally, shared web hosting servers are based on LAMP (software packages), the Windows operating system, and the Linux operating system. Shared web hosting supports e-commerce features such as multiple email accounts, shopping cart software, and PayPal integration.

You can easily find several shared hosting service providers by searching on Google or Yahoo!. Companies offer shared hosting solutions at the lowest prices, but you need to be careful about the level of technical support and domain knowledge they offer. Because you are sharing space, bandwidth, and memory with multiple other users on the server, those users are using your website to consume unreasonable bandwidth and cause downtime for you and other users' websites. Please make sure you are not hosting it. You also need to ensure that technical support, scalability, and server runtime are not affected. Shared resources should not impact the performance of the hosted website.

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