Science Is Fun For Kids

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Science Fun for Kids


Enjoy fun science facts for kids. Learn interesting facts about Earth, surprising facts about chemistry, interesting facts about space, fun facts about animals, and more. Did you know that crickets have ears on their front legs? Or does sound travel four times faster in water than in air? Science is a fascinating subject with lots of great things to learn and discover. The average human sleeps about 35% of the day, while armadillos and sloths sleep 80% of the day.

main idea:

Learn interesting trivia and information about a variety of science topics, such as animal facts, chemistry, space, dinosaurs, and more, with Fun Science Facts for Kids.

Animal facts:

Enjoy our wide selection of fun animal trivia for kids.

The average lifespan of a house fly is only 2 to 3 weeks. Mosquitoes are annoying insects, but did you know that only female mosquitoes actually bite people? Sharks lay the largest eggs in the world. Snakes can see through their eyelids even when their eyes are closed. Insects such as bees, mosquitoes, and cicadas make noise by moving their wings rapidly. Rhino horns are made of compressed hair rather than bone or other material.

Chemistry Facts: Read fun chemistry facts for kids and learn about atoms, elements, gases, liquids, solids, experiments, cool chemicals, and more.

Hydrogen is the first element on the periodic table. The atomic number is 1. It is highly flammable and the most abundant element in the universe. More facts about hydrogen. Approximately 1% of the sun's mass is oxygen. More facts about oxygen. Under normal conditions, oil and water do not mix. More facts about oil. Humans exhale carbon dioxide (CO2). Plants use energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into food in a process called photosynthesis. Above 4°C, water expands when heated and contracts when cooled. However, between 4 °C and 0 °C, the situation is completely opposite. It contracts when it gets warm and expands when it gets cold.

Facts about space:

Learn fun space facts for kids, including astronomy, the moon, planets, sun, milky way, space, and more. The sun is over 300,000 times larger than the earth. Other facts about the sun The solar system was formed about 4.6 billion years ago. More facts about the solar system. Saturn isn't the only planet with rings. Other gas giants, such as Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune, also have rings, but they are just less noticeable. The footprints and tire tracks left by astronauts on the moon remain there forever because there is no wind to blow them away. In 2006, astronomers changed the definition of a planet. This means that Pluto became known as a dwarf planet. Learn more about dwarf planets. Because of the low gravity, a person who weighs 100 kg on Earth weighs only 38 kg on the surface of Mars. Dinosaur facts:

Enjoy fun dinosaur trivia for kids and learn about everything from the ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex to the giant Diplodocus. Dinosaurs existed long before humans, but fossils and modern technology have helped us understand what dinosaurs looked like and even how they behaved. 

The term was coined by British paleontologist Richard Owen in 1842 and was intended to refer to dinosaurs' impressive size rather than their fearsome appearance. Dinosaurs dominated the Earth for more than 160 million years, from the Triassic period about 230 million years ago, through the Jurassic period, and to the end of the Cretaceous period about 65 million years ago. The period from 250 million years ago to approximately 65 million years ago is called the Mesozoic era. The first dinosaur to be officially named was Megalosaurus in 1824. People who study dinosaurs are known as paleontologists.

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