Quick And Easy Starter Recipes

Food And Drinks Published on

When we go to a restaurant, we usually start with finger food or appetizer recipes. Why not try doing the same thing at home once in a while? Here are appetizer recipes that are easy to make at home and will make you feel like you're eating your fill at a restaurant. Try these easy appetizer recipes at home. I'm sure your family will love it too. Check out some starter recipes here. crab cake


3 green onions

1/2 bunch fresh flat leaf parsley

750g of cooked crab meat from sustainable sources 

Mashed potatoes, 300g

1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper

1 large, free-range egg

Light flour for dusting

Olive oil,


tartar sauce


Clean and finely chop the green onions, and pick and finely chop the parsley. Beat the eggs.
Combine the crabmeat, potatoes, onion, parsley, pepper, cayenne, and eggs in a bowl with a little sea salt.
Chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, then shape into a 6cm shape.
Dust with flour and fry in oil over medium heat until golden brown, 5 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with watercress, and serve with tartar sauce.

Whitebait and dill mayonnaise


2 teaspoons of fennel seeds

50g flour

Whitebait, 450g, sustainably sourced

A few sprigs of fresh dill

2 tablespoons free-range mayonnaise

1 lemon


Heat oil in a frying pan or frying pan to 200℃.
Crush the fennel seeds in a mortar, mix with the flour and season.
Coat the fish in the flour mixture in batches and carefully fry for 3 minutes until golden brown and cooked through. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper. Pick the dill, chop it finely, mix it with flour, and season it.
Serve the fish with dill mayonnaise and lemon wedges.

watermelon feta salad


Watermelon 700g

1 small red onion

Feta mayonnaise, 180g

1 bunch of fresh cheese,

extra virgin olive oil


Remove the pulp from the watermelon, discard the skin, and cut it into small pieces.
Peel and thinly slice the onion, crumble the feta cheese, pick the mint mint, and tear off the large leaves.
Mix everything in a bowl. Drizzle some oil on leaves, and season with black pepper.

Halloumi with grilled vegetables


Frozen broad beans 100g

Halloumi top, 225g

1 bunch of asparagus

2 zucchini

2 chtablespoons of oil

2 shallots

200 ripe cherry tomatoes

1 tablespoon capers

1/2 bunch of fresh, sweet marjoram or oregano 1/2 bunch fresh flat leaf parsley


Add all dressing ingredients to a clean jam jar and shake well. Set aside.
Cook fava beans in boiling water for 5 minutes or until tender.
Drain and cool under cold water; remove and discard the thick white outer skin. Slice the halloumi, finely slice the asparagus, and thinly slice the zucchini lengthwise.
Add olive oil and season.
Heat a grill pan over high heat and add the asparagus, zucchini, and halloumi.
Cook until well browned, then remove and set aside.
Finely slice the shallots, cut the tomatoes in half, and arrange on a platter with the asparagus, zucchini, halloumi, fava beans, and capers. Sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs, and finish with the dressing.

We have introduced some easy snack recipes, so please give them a try.

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