Quick And Easy Pasta Dishes

Food And Drinks Published on

Wondering how to make pasta dishes quickly and easily? The perfect pasta recipe is carbonara, which is rich in carbohydrates and healthy.

But what is carbonara? It's basically spaghetti with white sauce. The core elements of this simple and easy recipe are carefully selected cheese, eggs, and freshly ground black pepper. Feel free to add bacon or mushrooms to these ingredients.

There are two different techniques for making this recipe: an Italian version and an American version. Technically, they both use the exact same ingredients.

If you want to make an Italian version, use a stretchy pasta like spaghetti, linguini, or fettuccini. Pancetta and olive oil are traditionally used to make Italian sauces. Add the beaten eggs and cheese to this mixture.

Once the pasta is cooked to your liking, drain and set aside to use later in the sauce. The perfect dish is ready within minutes.

For those who want to try the American version: Boil the pasta while sautéing pancetta or bacon in a skillet with garlic and thinly sliced shallots. Make sure the pan is partially empty to remove any grease before adding the heavy lotion. In a separate bowl, make the sauce from the eggs, pepper, and cheese. Once the pasta is cooked, add the remaining ingredients and mix.

Since it's pasta, there are many dishes that use it, but spaghetti is the simplest of them all.

Just buy spaghetti sauce and mix it with ground pork or sausage. Other options include meatballs, tuna, and a few others. Therefore, experiment a little so that your pasta consumption varies for every occasion. Boil the pasta in a pot of water and add a pinch of salt. Before turning off the stove, take out a small piece of pasta from time to time to make sure it's not undercooked. When the pasta and sauce are ready, mix them together or place one on a plate and the other in a separate bowl. You can choose the amount of sauce and noodles for each item. To make the pasta tasty, be sure to sprinkle it with pepper and cheese on top.

If you think these two dishes are easy, the next recipe to tackle is lasagna. The preparation of this dish is very similar to that of spaghetti. The main difference is that in lasagna, the layers of noodles and sauce alternate. Bake the lasagna in the oven before eating.

Pasta dishes are really easy to make and can be made quickly, as all you have to do is boil the pasta and make a simple sauce. You can also adapt recipes from the internet or cookbooks, or create your own.

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