Popular Russian Soup Recipes

Food And Drinks Published on

Russian soups are very popular and are usually served in the afternoon. Soups with meat and vegetables are also very popular and are usually served with a small amount of sour cream.

Meat, potatoes, and cabbage are among the most typical ingredients in Russian soup recipes. Chicken soup recipes are very popular in Russia, and "Kulny soup" is a delicious Russian chicken soup served with rye bread. This chicken soup recipe is made with vegetable broth and consists of chicken, vegetables, and fresh herbs. Mushroom soup is also a Russian favorite and is made with refreshing mushrooms. The drinking water in which mushrooms are cooked is changed several times during the cooking process. It is served with dill and sour cream and is usually made with sausage or another type of meat.

Borscht, Russia's most famous soup

Borscht, perhaps the most famous soup of the Soviet Union, is bright red in color. Includes beets, potatoes, onions, garlic, cabbage, carrots, dill, and more. This Russian soup recipe makes 2 liters of soup. Meats include beef, kidney, ham, and hot dogs, with additions such as onions, olives, tomatoes, and capers for texture and flavor. Serve this soup in typical Russian style with sour cream.

There's nothing wrong with substituting meat. Perhaps you are a fan of chicken soup recipes. In this case, you can use chicken instead of hot dogs or kidneys. Like many other Russian soup recipes, this one is best made the day before, chilled in the refrigerator overnight, and reheated the next day. This allows the flavors to mix better with the soup and gives it a great taste. taste .

2 1/2-pound bone-in beef shoulders
1/4-pound hot dog, 1/4-inch slices of
calf kidney
1 tablespoon capers
A few chopped onions
6 cups of water
4 ounces of pickled mushrooms
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup black olives, chopped and pitted
1 teaspoon salt,
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1/2 lemon slice

How to do it:

Boil beef tenderloin in water for an hour and a half to create a juicy, rich soup. Remove the beef bones and discard them. Fry in butter with onions. Cook for 20 minutes, then add the other ingredients and cook for another 15 minutes. Serve it very hot. Click here for other soup recipes. 

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