Online Video Advertising Becomes More Dominant

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As streaming video gains traction online, there has been much debate about whether it is truly a viable medium that can generate revenue to match the massive bandwidth costs it requires. One of the most important elements of this discussion was the question of where that revenue would come from, including micropayments, subscription services, and advertising. Now, this debate seems to have finally been settled with the acceptance of video advertising, which is a huge boon for online marketers and business owners.

Online video advertising is a big opportunity. 
Consider the possibilities offered by online video advertising.
1 At the end of 2010, online video accounted for approximately 30% of all Internet traffic.

2 The same report that revealed this number predicts that by 2013, nearly 90% of all internet traffic will be video-based.

It's clear that online video is not just here to stay but will completely take over and transform the Internet in the coming years. Smart online marketers will join this unstoppable trend and embrace the fact that these videos are increasingly monetized with ads. Second, you can create your own video ads that appear before the main video to buy time.
3. Finally, create your own video that will act as your own advertisement for your product or service.

Growing video advertising market
If you decide to spend some money on buying ads online, whether it's by buying static ad space around your videos or ad time on the videos themselves, you're hardly alone. Approximately $2 billion is currently spent annually on online video advertising. A report by Advanced Internet Video estimates that this advertising spending will reach $5.71 billion by 2014.

There's already a lot of money flowing into online video advertising, and its cash value will almost triple over the next two to three years. That increase means that the best-performing videos pay more for ad space and ad time. More and more advertisers want to be involved in who their ads are created for and who they are sold to. You may be intimidated by the fact that online video advertising will become more competitive in the coming years, but jump on the trend now before it explodes and build relationships with content creators before you're flooded with ad requests. You can also build. 

Take advantage of these trends. 
You can also benefit from this trend by creating your own high-quality videos promoting your products. The key to creating your own videos is simple.
We want to create the highest-quality videos.
3 First and foremost, you want your videos to be interesting, informative, and useful to your audience.
4 We want to give a gentle presentation rather than push the product. In some cases, it's even wiser to not mention your product or service at all and simply try to provide value to your audience. It's easy to take advantage of the growing market for online video and online video advertising. The only thing that matters is to get involved now, before things really start.

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