Mobile Apps Will Play A Key Role In The New Economy

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Mobile apps will continue to be the “superstars” of 2016, according to industry reports. Looking for e-commerce websites, taxi apps, etc. will lead to a shift towards specific app-based stores, and opportunities for mobile app development companies will develop at an amazing rate. This also means that different brands may find new interest in and value in mobile websites and apps.

As data increasingly drives market decisions, mobile apps will undoubtedly serve as the king of our own new and improved 'N-Demand' economy. We should assume that both the entertainment and gaming industries are promising, as data plugins create many effective partnerships across all platforms. In many ways, now is a great time to explore the power of mobile apps. Brands have long understood evolving digital technologies and adapted their marketing techniques accordingly. It only takes a few times for an exception to become the norm.

It's clear that traditional media isn't going away, but it's clear that everything will be tried on mobile first. Businesses developing custom mobile apps would do their best to take these predictions into account and prepare to meet the explosive demand in 2016. Offshore software development may increase to reduce costs. But offshore mobile app development companies may have to compete on more than just cost expertise this season. This means that an offshore custom app development provider must follow a standardized framework and be sophisticated in terms of performance.

This year, we are seeing a renewed push to embrace and implement all types of time-sensitive developments to take advantage of technological opportunities in the coming quarters. We can well imagine that mobile app developers are preparing to take advantage of traditional software architecture along with modern technology to expand their area of expertise and add new versions to their existing profiles. Leaders in this segment are likely to capture a significant share of the mobile app development market in 2016.

Research also shows that services such as analytics, insights, enterprise mobility, social media marketing, and big data management will be the top-selling products this year. Additionally, seasoned industry players will invest resources and time in improving their development capabilities to take full advantage of this particular “appification revolution.

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