Make Coffee Like A Pro At Home

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There's never a bad time to drink coffee. Whether alone or with family and friends, it's always a beautiful experience.

Many people feel that they cannot make their own coffee at home because the taste is different from the coffee they drink at a coffee shop or cafe. Many people wonder if there is a secret ingredient or special equipment to brew the perfect cup of coffee. The truth is, it doesn't take much to make coffee that tastes as good as it does in a coffee shop. However, there are important considerations to get the most out of this aromatic drink.


The most important ingredient for delicious coffee is beans. If the quality of the beans is poor, you cannot expect delicious coffee, no matter how you brew it. Start your preparation with fresh coffee beans. You can choose your favorite variety as long as it is guaranteed to be fresh to preserve its flavor. If coffee beans are not stored properly, they will go bad within a month to two weeks.

Therefore, buying coffee beans from the supermarket is not a good option. Because the beans are likely to sit on the shelf for months. Your best bet is to find a local roaster that offers freshly roasted beans. To maintain freshness, buy small quantities that you can use within two weeks to a month and store in an airtight container at room temperature.

The remaining secrets to making the perfect cup of coffee lie in the grind, temperature, ratio, and quality of the water. grinding

Again, freshness is a key factor in getting the best flavor from this drink, which is why it's important to buy whole coffee beans rather than ground beans. Coffee loses its flavor after 30 minutes after being ground, so we recommend grinding it just before brewing. A grinder or mill is best for grinding beans into fine, uniform sizes that bring out even more flavor. Other mills may produce grinds that are too fine, too coarse, or uneven, resulting in underextraction, overextraction, or imbalanced extraction, which can affect the flavor of your beverage.

water temperature

The proper brewing temperature is very important, as it determines the extraction of the coffee. If the water temperature is lower than the specified temperature, the extraction will be insufficient and the taste will be bland, or it will take a long time to extract, resulting in strong astringency and bitterness. On the other hand, high temperatures can cause over-extraction, making the drink burn and taste bitter. Making coffee requires a temperature of 195 degrees Fahrenheit to 205 degrees Fahrenheit. There are kettles with variable temperature controls that allow you to set the exact water temperature for your drink.

The ratio of water to coffee determines the strength and taste of the coffee. The general rule is to add 2 tablespoons for every 150–180 ml of water. However, this is a matter of personal preference. Some people like light coffee, while others like strong coffee. You can adjust the recommended ratios until you reach the intensity that works best for you. water quality

A cup of coffee is 90% water, so its quality has a huge impact on the final taste of the drink. If the water has a certain taste or odor, For example, if your tap water contains chlorine, the drink itself may contain chlorine. When making coffee, it is ideal to use purified or filtered water to ensure the purest taste of your drink.

All these are important to making your dream cup of homemade coffee a reality. However, remember that this drink is a matter of taste. Adjust the water-to-coffee ratio and try different types of coffee to find the best taste that suits you.

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