Japanese Shellfish

Food And Drinks Published on

In addition to fish, Japanese cuisine also includes mollusks and crustaceans. Most seeds are used for sashimi, country cooking, and other dishes.


Among the many species of crustaceans used in Japanese cuisine, shrimp make up the majority. For example, if you want to eat shrimp sushi at a Japanese sushi restaurant, you need to determine exactly which shrimp it is, and at least he has to choose from five types.

Prawns can grow up to 20cm in size and have bright red shells with brown, blue, or red stripes. Wuxi - Along with tiger prawns, prawns (black tiger prawns) are the most delicious. The color is dark gray with black stripes. These and other shrimp are best eaten raw and fresh, but they can also be fried, grilled, stewed, or made into soups.

Light gray battered shrimp (Chinese shrimp), also called Taisho shrimp, are used to make tempura and other fried foods, as well as grilled and steamed.

Japanese shrimp, such as chiba shrimp and bot shrimp, are not usually eaten raw, but you can make great sushi with northern ako shrimp, also known as amae shrimp. There are long-bearded scampi (freshwater shrimp) that are fried and steamed, and small shrimp called sakura-ebi (usually dried). Processing and preparation

In Japan, all shrimp and prawns are sold fresh and sometimes live, but in Western stores, they are only sold frozen, but they are available all year round. When cooked, it turns a bright red or pink.

Spiny lobster

The spiny lobster is a Japanese spiny lobster with an orange or reddish-purple shell and smaller claws than most American and European lobsters. Lobster is a traditional Japanese holiday table decoration, as it turns red when cooked and symbolizes good luck in Japan.

Application to cooking

The unusually rich and sweet lobster meat has a delicious aroma. Fresh lobster is almost always made into sashimi. Fish in restaurants are often kept in aquariums, and the chef will prepare the lobster of your choice in a dish called ikizukuri. However, please be careful. Sashimi is served with the lobster shell split open. His head was still there, staring at me with sad eyes, his mustache still waving.

Lobster is also fried or grilled and eaten with citrus soy sauce.

Kani City

The most common are King Crab (Red King Crab), Hairy Crab (Hairy Crab), and Tsubaigani (Snow Crab). Crab is shipped already boiled or steamed, but the inside is perishable, so it is cooked immediately after harvest.

King crabs resemble giant, spiny spiders, but their meat is unusually good. Adult male red king crabs can weigh up to 12 kg and grow to just under 1 meter long. This crab's shell is bright red with cream-colored underparts.

Application to cooking

Crab is included in the diet primarily as claw meat and is often eaten raw with citrus sauces, in salads, fried, grilled, and stewed. Additionally, crab meat is one of the main ingredients in sushi. However, canned crab is mainly used for boiled and fried dishes.


squid is a familiar food to Japanese people. Different types of shellfish and squid are used in Japanese cuisine, and specific dishes are prepared depending on their taste, color, texture, and season.

The common squid, also known as the Japanese squid, has a dark reddish-brown color and is about 30cm long, excluding the tentacles. The fishing season lasts from summer to autumn. The jallika grows up to 40 centimeters, has short tentacles, a pale red color, and a pointed head. The Japanese squid is very similar to the Jallika, but it has a pointed head, and the fishing season is from spring to summer.

The bluefin squid looks like a large squid, but it does not have a calcareous shell, and although it can be bought in the summer, it is not often found in stores. Squid has a round body, a solid inner shell, and dense meat. The body length is 18 cm, and the tentacles are 20 cm. Squid are caught from early autumn to late winter. Sometimes on the shelves there are lightning squids—large squids with tentacles up to 45 cm long.

Firefly: The body of the squid (firefly) is only 5-7 cm high, covered with almost transparent skin, and has the ability to emit light. This unique animal is usually found in the waters off the coast of Japan and is fished from spring to summer. Also known as squid (squid): a large squid with reddish-brown skin and a thin gelatinous cartilage inside. It is used in the preparation of dried, smoked, and pickled dishes.

Application to cooking

You can make sashimi from raw squid. Split squid is commonly sold at Japanese supermarkets. If you overcook the squid, it will become tough, so there won't be enough time to cook it. Squid sushi is made with whole squid carcasses.

Product introduction Squid

Squid is treated in many different ways in Japan.


Surume (dried, whole, peeled squid) is one of the many delicacies served with the drink. Surume is usually fried or grilled whole, then the perek fibers are torn into thin pieces with your fingers and eaten by dipping them in soy sauce. This is the most delicious sushi made with soft and delicious squid. Shiokara

This raw squid is soaked in ink with salt added. It is sold in bottled, canned form. Shiokalu offered us drinks or food.

pine suzuki

One of the gourmet chefs representing Kansai. Pickle dried squid, convoy, and grated carrots in mirin and soy sauce and enjoy with rice and drinks. Octopus:

The original shape of Japanese octopus dishes contrasts creamy white flesh with dark red skin (cooked octopus is red) and unusually rounded tentacles.

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