Indian-Language World
Education Published onSince its inception in 1969, the CIIL Institute has been engaged in research training and the production of materials in Indian languages. It advises and supports both central and state governments on language issues and promotes all languages in India through content and corpus creation. Civil documents India's minority, minority, and tribal languages and also produces materials for language education.
Although the institute's research focus is on Indian languages and linguistics, the institute's research interests include psychology, linguistics, education, folklore, sociology, translation, comparative literature, language technology, natural language processing, and just to name a few. Examples include geography and statistics.
CIIL also has seven regional language centers and offers 10-month second language education programs in 20 Indian languages, among eight programs aimed primarily at school teachers and researchers. These departments help create and maintain linguistic harmony by teaching Indian languages to non-native speakers. One of the focuses of this institute is the development of language technology in India.
Each year, the Institute collaborates with approximately 100 institutions, universities, professional associations, and NGOs dedicated to the study of language, literature, culture, and literacy and organizes a variety of national-level conferences, seminars, roundtables, and events. It is co-hosted. event
With the help of around 300 experts and consultants at various levels, the faculty has also participated in several projects funded by ministries and state governments. Additionally, there are many collaborative and sponsored projects from many other organizations, such as UNESCO, UNICEF, Microsoft, Motorola, Google India, the Endangered Languages Foundation, and Pearson Education.
The institute moved in five directions, with numerous new fellows joining as project fellows in each direction.
Significant efforts are being made in the field of language technology, currently underway with institutional partners such as the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and IIT-Bombay under a new project called the Linguistic Data Consortium for Indian Languages (LDC-IL). Industry partners such as IBM and Microsoft were also introduced. LDC-IL leverages significant advances in India's IT to address the need to improve machine-readable language data for Hindi and other Indian languages at scale. Another major initiative was the creation of world-class language testing facilities through a special project called the National Testing Service (NTS). Based on previous research in this area, with approximately 100 books and many test batteries, NTS has a multi-step action plan to achieve a variety of goals.
The Institute is currently in the process of establishing a National Translation Mission (NTM) to identify gaps, promote quality translation, provide training, disseminate information about translation and translators, and assist public and private organizations in urgently taking on the task of continuing operations. I will coordinate.
All this requires a large number of linguists and experts in Indian languages. Even the Indian Census is looking for many such bright academics for jobs in the language department. Slowly but surely, therefore, new opportunities are opening up for students of linguistics in all disciplines.
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