How To Ruin Your Credit Score

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Every day, people around the world discredit themselves. why? There is a simple mistake that we, as consumers, make all the time. We are taught how important our credit score is and what exactly our score is. So with so much information out there about trust and its importance, why are we still actively sabotaging it? There are many reasons why people struggle with their credit. This article humorously explains what you shouldn't do to maintain good credit. If you've ever done any of these, we hope you've realized the error of your ways and corrected your habits.

If you like shopping and like to spend a lot of money, then by all means do it. Don't you have enough money to cover this at the moment? Who cares! Charge it! Credit cards are like money, so why not use them? You still have time to pay it back! In fact, with a credit card, you can spend up to your limit without incurring penalties.

Speaking of credit cards, the next time you're at your favorite store and they tell you about this great credit card, it's time to sign up. Even better, do this for all your favorite stores. If they all offer a line of credit, that might be a good thing, right? Who cares if you already have a new card? Are you still sending checks to pay your bills? Some of us prefer it that way. So what if you forget to mail it this month? Oh, forget it; you can catch up next month. Surely they won't care, so just pay the late fee, and that's it. No harm or foul, right? Tired of having too many cards? Well, please cut off the items you don't use and then call to cancel. Sure, having too many cards looks bad anyway. There were better cards that gave you more anyway.

Want to build a loan portfolio that looks more dynamic? Then go out and take care of it! Take out some loans and get a credit card with a higher credit limit. That way, when they check your history next month, they'll see that you actually have a wide range of loans.

If any of these five tips actually sound like good information, you certainly need help with your credit score. First, just because you have a credit card doesn't mean you have to use it. In fact, you usually need to keep this balance within 30% of the limit. If you can reduce it to 10%, you are in good health. Also, you don't have to accept every credit card offer. You need to choose very carefully. Each time you open a new account, the balance will decrease little by little, and the balance will remain for 7 years. This also applies to cancellations. If you've had your card for a while, it shows creditors that you have a long credit history. You actually want to keep these cards. After all, you can't build a portfolio overnight. It doesn't work that way. Believers want diversity; that's true, but they also want to see it gradually. It shows you are responsible.

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