How To Hold A Corporate Movie Briefing Session
Art And Entertainment Published onYou've decided to shoot a video for your company and are looking for the best production company or agency for it. But wait a minute. What about the information session? You will need to give the corporate film production company or agency an overview of your company. Without a clear outline, you and your film production company could be thinking two different things, and the result would be a disaster.
Here are some points to help you create your outline:
1) Target audience: Who is the audience for your corporate videos? Is it your customers? Will it be your investor? Or are you an employee?
Now you can decide your message according to your target audience. For example, if your audience is investors, growth, profit numbers, and future plans are likely good topics to talk about.
If your target audience is customers, placing emphasis on quality, quality control systems, production facilities, etc. may be the best content to persuade them.
2) Give it your all. Your message should include everything that is good about your company. You need to highlight your competitive advantage, your unique selling point, or anything else that can make an impression on your audience. Try to put yourself in your audience's shoes and answer any questions that may arise.
3) Recording Format: The recording and delivery format of your corporate video depends on how you want to deliver it and your budget. Maybe you have plans to feature it on your website or distribute it via social media. Or perhaps you want to distribute it in a physical format such as USB or DVD. High resolution is currently the most widely used format, but 4K, Ultra HD, and even 6K are also options, depending on the delivery and display medium. These high-definition formats are only required if you plan to show your corporate video in theaters or on very large projection platforms. If not, you can save money by choosing a high-resolution format. Even if you plan to present your video over the internet or social media apps such as WhatsApp, choosing a high-resolution format may cause the video to buffer or not play at all in slow environments, so it's best to choose a low-resolution format. We recommend that you select a delivery format. network.
4) Animation or Graphics Requirements: Depending on the industry you're in, you may also need to decide whether to use animations and graphics in your video. Incorporating graphics and animations can add flavor to your videos, but they also add cost. For example, if your company is in engineering and manufacturing, you're likely to present and photograph a lot of things, many of which require minimal graphics and animation. However, if your business is in the service sector, you may not have much time without photos and may need animations or graphics to illustrate your business. Having an idea about this will also help you create a clear outline.
5) Number of shooting locations: If your company has offices or locations across the country or around the world, you should also consider the shooting locations. You will need to determine the number of shooting locations and ensure that these locations are properly maintained. Avoid shooting in poorly maintained areas. Video costs are also influenced by the number of locations you need to film.
6) Length: Ideally, your video should be 5–6 minutes long. your corporate video has a long running time, your audience might get bored. This means you need to make sure that all the information you share during the information session is to the point. Sharing unimportant information can confuse your corporate video production company and dilute the message you want to convey. Therefore, you should not only know what to include in a corporate video but also be aware of what is unnecessary. Information overload can have a negative impact on corporate films.
These are some of the points to consider when ordering your own film production company. This allows you and your production company to produce the best corporate film possible.
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