How To Care For A Diamond Ring

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Diamond rings are worth wearing at all times of the day, and their durability is unquestionable, but the lifespan of a diamond ring depends on its hardness. To extend the lifespan of your diamond ring, it's important to take care of it. Here, you will find tips on how to properly care for your diamond ring.


Like any other valuable jewelry, rings are best stored in a dry, clean, and safe place. A fabric-lined box is the best choice for storing diamonds. Also, please do not put other jewelry in the box. Please put only one item in one box as much as possible to avoid tangles, especially for items with intricate designs. Not only will parts of the diamond item be chipped, but other jewelry may also scratch the metal parts of the ring, affecting its overall appearance. It helps to cover each item with a clean, soft jewelry cloth.

Wiping and cleaning Diamond is the hardest substance on earth, but as an element, it can also react with other metals and chemicals. If you want to maintain the shine and quality of your diamond ring, wipe it daily with a 100% cotton jewelry cloth. Avoid using fabrics other than cotton, which is the only material that will not leave marks or unnecessary scratches on your ring.

For a more thorough clean, soak the item in warm water with a detergent-free soap solution for a few minutes and brush to remove stubborn stains. Do not use harsh chemicals to clean your diamonds, as they will definitely discolor your diamonds or leave behind an undesirable tint. If possible, avoid storing it near chemicals, especially chlorine bleach. Let's check the diamond. 

No matter how careful you are when handling your diamond item, it's possible for the mount or prongs to come loose. These are difficult for users to notice. To prevent further damage to your diamond ring, be sure to have it professionally inspected at least once a year and retighten any clasps that may have come loose. Having your diamond professionally cleaned will improve its shine. Therefore, it is worth at least consulting a specialist.

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