How The Education Ecosystem Is Changing The Landscape Of Online Education

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The online learning industry is expected to grow in the coming years due to various factors. In its December 2019 research report, Research and Markets estimates that this industry will grow from $107 billion in 2015 to $350 billion in 2025. Education Ecosystem, a startup in the online education space, plans to revolutionize the sector by targeting advanced education. Bringing technology to professionals and students.

Online learning involves the delivery of courses and learning materials over the Internet through virtual educational institutions with the goal of providing students with knowledge that may or may not be available at brick-and-mortar educational institutions. Online education in its current form is purely a complement to traditional primary education, not a complete replacement. Online education has been initiated by universities to provide educational materials to students who cannot attend campus. However, new start-ups and institutions are being established to serve this purpose and provide services that universities alone cannot provide.

The world's largest online companies are based in Asia, with China and India each leading the way in online education. The industry is growing due to practical and effective training, internet penetration, increased smartphone users, and the flexibility that online learning models offer students and those looking to advance their careers. Unforeseen events, such as disease outbreaks, can impact the future of the industry. The ongoing coronavirus outbreak, which originated in Wuhan, China, could play a major role in driving the growth of online education. Some parents are enrolling their children in online classes to help their at-home students keep up with their peers. Although this is a temporary measure, it may encourage parents who previously opposed online education to accept it.

Education ecosystems and project-based learning

Education Ecosystem (LEDU) is a project-based learning platform that teaches professional developers and students how to build real products in areas such as programming, game development, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data science, blockchain, and more. The platform's ecosystem is powered by content creators who create practical projects that teach mid-level professionals and students how to create real products. The startup's goal is to build the world's largest project-based learning platform.

Analyzing what makes the education ecosystem unique

Although there are no direct competitors in the education ecosystem, there are indirect competitors like Lynda and Pluralsight. Here's what sets the education ecosystem apart from our competitors:

Target users

The education ecosystem is a career-oriented learning platform that targets advanced learners or professionals as a group. This is different from competitors that focus on beginners and advanced users. Beginners should start with other online learning platforms so they can master the basics. When you're ready to put your knowledge into practice through project-based learning, you can move into the educational ecosystem. This makes Education Ecosystem's platform ideal for working adults and students who have completed their entry-level studies.

learning model

Most online learning platforms use courses as their teaching method. This works well for them because their goal is to teach beginners step by step until they fully understand what they have learned. Although this is a common approach, this is a good thing. The education ecosystem uses a project-based model that allows mid-level professionals to work on projects. It gives advanced learners a taste of what it's like to build industrial-grade products and helps professionals improve their skills to succeed in their careers. Dusan Kolic, project development manager at Education Ecosystem, echoed this sentiment, saying: “Project-based learning is designed to prepare students to solve real-world problems while teaching them what they need to know to succeed in their careers." 

The education ecosystem uses a hands-on, production-level working approach rather than the theoretical learning favored by other platforms. This is partly due to the audiences these platforms target. While other learning platforms lay the foundation, the educational ecosystem puts theoretical knowledge into practice. Decentralized peer-to-peer model

The education ecosystem uses decentralized technology as the foundation of the platform. The education ecosystem has built an ecosystem that provides incentives to learners, project developers, API developers, other online companies, universities, and nonprofit organizations.

Complete the project or product. 

The main idea behind education in the education ecosystem is the bottom line. Rather than teaching theory, we focus on complete projects that provide added value to advanced and professional students. Content production costs

Content creation in the education ecosystem is based on peer-to-peer projects created by users, making it fast and cost-effective. This will enable more project developers to create projects that benefit learners.

Speed of content creation

Learning materials are project-based, reducing the time needed to create high-quality, practical learning resources for your target audience. Ryan Schütz was drawn to the platform because of the speed of content creation. "All I had to do was create a tutorial about what I had experienced. I completed his Python data analysis and visualization project in just 4 days. Benefits of project-based learning

Project-based learning is a great teaching method that benefits both the learner and the project developer. The student focuses on one project at a time, giving her enough time to analyze the problem and find the best way to approach it.

Students gain valuable experience managing a project from start to finish. This involves analyzing a problem from a practical perspective and developing an effective solution to that problem. Project-based learning prepares students for professional careers by learning from instructors with extensive practical knowledge in a specific field. Elliot Minns, a UK-based project developer and software developer, says students are becoming more engaged because the idea of building a real product acts as an incentive. "Students see the completion of a real product as motivation for learning. This motivates them and gives them a good reason to improve their skills," Timms said.

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