How Political Parties Can Use Live Streaming To Expand Their Support Base

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In today's digital age, disseminating information has become much easier and more convenient as more and more people go online and connect with the world. Gone are the days when you had to address public meetings and visit everywhere to educate the public about party policies and build trust in the party. Personal contact between leaders is still very important, but it is impossible to cover the entire area within a limited time.
Moreover, continued contact with voters will always have a greater impact than one or two visits. Digital connectivity is not a replacement for face-to-face interactions but rather a smart way to complement them. Freedocast provides the perfect way to keep voters and party staff updated on the agenda, literally working directly from your live streaming platform.
Freedocast connection platform
The Freedocast Pro device allows you to live stream party events, work, and activities to your constituents on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. simultaneously. This eliminates the possibility of misquoting by outside media and allows people to trust the authenticity of the report by actually witnessing it live. Therefore, it is the best way to build people's trust in you and increase your credibility. Videos are streamed live in HD quality while consuming very little data on your end, providing a seamless viewing experience. Control is always at your fingertips. 
Live streaming video can be controlled via the iOS or Android app. These apps let you preview, monitor, and control your feed. Therefore, you can live stream your event while maintaining control over it. The feed can be via a regular camera or another recording device. Thanks to MIC and HDMI connectivity, live audiences can experience the entire event as if they were there. A rechargeable lithium-ion battery allows over 2 hours of live broadcasting. The device easily connects to the internet via Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection and works well even in locations with poor connectivity. Therefore, you don't need to worry too much about the quality of the food.
educate voters
This is an ideal solution for political parties to connect with people, educate them about their intentions and plans ahead of the upcoming parliamentary elections, and help them choose the right representatives to form a government. Events, press conferences, announcements, interviews, and anything else you want to show your constituency will happen on a live streaming platform, so there is no doubt about its authenticity. You can also add your party logo or running message to your live stream.
Gain broadcasting experience and reach more people. Also, prepare a pre-broadcast checklist to ensure you can go live on multiple platforms at the same time, anywhere in the world, at any time. While it can be difficult to get live video to a wider audience through the media, this could be a solution for those interested in politics. Anusha Kapoor has an extraordinary interest in the latest gadgets and live streaming. She is a dedicated technology expert who is familiar with all the gadgets, mobile applications, and live streaming of her devices that facilitate the work of any individual at the event. This is her blogger.

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