How Do I Fix Google's Manual Penalty?

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Google's commitment to providing users with the best search results and adhering to quality guidelines is evidenced by the manual penalties it imposes on its Chrome. There is only one hot topic for a website owner and his SEO creator to discuss and debate, and that is penalties. Google algorithm updates (Penguin and Panda) and manual penalties have shocked online businesses and search engine optimization strategy developers. The impact of both penalties is a decrease in her SERP ranking of the page URL for the target keyword, or, in the worst case, de-indexing. The reason why a website gets a manual penalty could be due to unethical methods of obtaining external links. B. If you buy links or farm links, and if you buy backlinks from his websites of low quality that do not belong to the same niche, Another reason for a manual penalty could be the quality of your site's design and content based on Google Quality Guidelines.

Below are some practices that some website owners are performing to increase their SERP ranks. However, these strategies clearly violate Google policies, making such sites susceptible to manual penalties.

Cloaking: Different content or URLs for search engines and users

Hidden text and links: Hidden text or links to improve rankings.

Sneaky redirects: redirect users to a different URL page than the one they requested. To overcome manual penalties:

First, make the necessary changes to your website's design and content to meet the standards set by Google guidelines. Don't rush to send a reconsideration request (don't repeat the same mistakes you made when building backlinks, which means rushing).

Thoroughly investigate backlinks and identify potentially harmful websites linking to your online business. Check your backlinks using GWT, Majestic SEO, or other Open Site Explorer tools.

Again, be patient and send link removal requests to all webmasters of the individual sites you want to remove backlinks from. Don't be surprised if only a few people ask you to pay for link removal (yes, you may have to pay). (Delete the link you worked so hard to create.) 

Document the actions you took to remove the link, any issues you encountered when removing a particular link in Excel or Word, and also note any changes you made onsite to comply with Google Design Guidelines.

How to use the disavow tool: To remove unnatural backlinks, Google offers a great tool called Disavow, but this tool should only be used as a last resort. If your repeated requests to remove links from your site are denied, please use this tool with proof of the actions you have taken.

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