How Do I Clean My Diamond Ring?

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A diamond ring is a treasured possession designed and made to last a lifetime. While you may not be able to wear your diamond ring 24/7, you should definitely consider its care.

So, by following these tips, you should be able to keep your diamond ring clean and sparkling for years to come.

First of all, avoid touching the ring stone when putting on and taking off the ring. Instead, touch the metal of the ring properly as you try to remove it from your finger. Putting on and taking off a diamond ring by holding the metal shank rather than the stone prevents oil from building up on the stone's surface. This means that the diamond will retain its shine for longer.

Soak the diamond ring in a mixture of warm water and mild soap. Be careful not to use soaps that contain "humectants," as they may leave a film on your ring.
Soak the ring in a soap dish for 15 minutes. When the soapy water enters the ring, it penetrates and removes dirt that has built up inside.
After 15 minutes, remove the ring from the soapy water and gently scrub the ring with a soft toothbrush. Avoid using hard-bristled brushes to avoid scratching your diamond ring.

Rub the ring gently and rinse with cold water. Be sure to rinse the soap solution thoroughly from the ring, as if it is not rinsed off completely, it can dry out the ring and leave streaks on the diamond. Clean your diamond jewelry yourself or have it cleaned by a jewelry store every six months. Regular inspections can ensure that your diamond is not worn and that it looks its best every time you wear it.

How do you clean unfilled or broken diamonds? An ammonia and water solution can be used to clean unfilled and unbroken diamonds. However, for broken diamonds, use a gentle liquid cleaning solution. What to avoid when cleaning a diamond ring

Solutions such as chlorine. Bleach may discolor diamond jewelry settings. Therefore, it is important to avoid using harsh solutions when cleaning diamonds.
Do not clean your ring every day, as this may affect the shine of the stone.
Diamonds can easily scratch other gemstones, so don't carelessly put your diamond ring in a case. Wrap your jewelry in a soft bag or linen cloth to prevent scratches.

Always remember that diamond jewelry requires more care than other jewelry. However, if you want to buy a beautiful diamond ring for yourself, you need to choose a reliable jewelry store. Whether you visit a local store or an online jewelry store, a trusted jeweler will not only provide you with quality diamond rings but will also guide you through the entire shopping process.

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