High-Quality Catering Equipment Compared To Cheap Catering Equipment

Food And Drinks Published on

It's no secret that everyone is always looking for bargains in all aspects of life. However, when it comes to food service equipment, you may want to think twice about combining two identical products. Do you choose a quality product or a cheaper one?
Benjamin Franklin once said, "The bitterness of low quality lingers long after you have forgotten the sweetness of low price." Buying a cheap product could end up paying you for it in the long run. For example, the price may be low, but it may consume much more energy than expected. This is seen in commercial refrigeration equipment. A test was conducted to determine if cheapness is better than quality.

We used Staycold beverage coolers, specifically his SD 1140-LF unit and its closest competitor, to determine initial and long-term costs. The SD1140-LF is about one-third the price of its competitors. But why is this device priced higher than a standard beverage cooler? The Staycold Beverage Cooler offers long-term economics as electricity costs rise and companies' operating margins come under severe pressure. Manufactured with you in mind. Many beverage coolers are manufactured to keep the unit cost of the product low, so long-term efficiency is not a concern at this point. The goal is to sell as much product as possible, so lower production costs also result in lower product costs. However, because the device is not designed to use power efficiently, you may end up paying more for your power usage since it initially costs less. The manufacturing cost of energy-efficient food service equipment includes research and development costs as well as the cost of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly components. Due to the cost of developing the SD1140-LF, the device is priced higher than the average beverage cooler in the lineup.

As a business owner, you need to decide which option is better for you. Lower-cost devices mean a higher electricity bill. Or devices that require significant investment to keep energy consumption as low as possible in the long run.

Article Source: https://boostarticles.com

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