Healthy Cooking Tips For A Healthier Life

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Today, people tend to choose fast food chains over home-cooked meals. why? Fast food is very tasty and convenient because you don't have to wait that long. But did you know that by developing the habit of eating up these food chains, you're putting your family's health at risk? Have you ever thought that home-cooked meals are a much cheaper and healthier option? Plus, they're safe because you made them yourself. Cooking your own food with your family helps you bond and is a lot of fun.

Therefore, it is better to minimize the consumption of fast food and start cooking healthy and delicious dishes in your home kitchen. And if you are someone who is passionate about cooking for your family, these simple and healthy cooking tips will help you and your family avoid the habit of eating out, save money, and live a healthy lifestyle at the same time. Choose your cooking oil wisely. 

Edible oil plays a very important role not only in cooking but also in health. Choosing oils that contain unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, sesame oil, safflower oil, and canola oil, can lower cholesterol levels and have heart-healthy benefits. However, using large amounts of these oils can also add more calories. Therefore, it is better to reduce consumption by half or a quarter, if possible.

steam instead of boiling. 

Steamed food has many benefits. First of all, cooking without oil allows you to reduce fat consumption. Steaming combines nutrients that our active bodies need. It also preserves the food's color and flavor, so everyone usually ends up eating it. Also, try steamed rice. Organic steamers do not affect the taste of food, reduce cooking time, and save costs.

Avoid skin and fat. 

When cooking poultry meat such as chicken or pork, you may want to remove the skin and fat, which contain unnecessary cholesterol that is not good for you, not to mention making it a tastier and healthier part of the meat. . Cut the salt in half. 

Instead of adding salt to make your food taste better, try using fresh spices instead. This way, you can get delicious food with less salt. You should also avoid using packaged spice mixes that contain MSG and unhealthy amounts of salt.

Prepare vegetables by adding salt. 

What would you choose? Cabbage without blemishes or cabbage with blemishes? Of course, choose the version without defects. But your choice is cured with insecticides, which are harmful to health. Therefore, before cooking, it is recommended to soak vegetables in a bowl of water and add at least 2 tablespoons of salt. This reduces pesticide chemical compounds, so you only get organic and safe vegetables. vegetables just before

Green, leafy vegetables simply require less cooking time. Therefore, rather than cooking it together with the meat and other ingredients, wait until all the ingredients are almost ready. Then add the vegetables at the very end. This is enough to cook the vegetables while preserving their color, flavor, and nutrients.

These simple but healthy cooking tips will pave the way to a healthier diet. But the most important thing is to have fun while cooking. Because negative emotions can affect the way you cook and, in turn, the taste of your food. Also, remember that it's not a bad idea to eat at a restaurant that serves home-cooked food, especially if you don't feel like cooking for yourself or your family.

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