Google History And Link Building

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I can't tell you how tired I am of reading articles and posts that mention the word “Google” and... These days, it is

I can't tell you how much I hate reading articles and posts that mention the words “Google” and “punishment” in the same sentence!

Nowadays, many webmasters are lazy when it comes to Google, but that's not the case.

The most common question I get is, "Will Google punish me if I do this?"

Let me help you navigate this crazy process.

As with everything in life, common sense should be applied when optimizing your website. When you find technology that has a question in your mind, think about it.

You might want to sit down and listen to this one. You might be surprised.

The fact is, Google rarely penalizes webmasters for doing anything. Yes, that's right. You heard me, at least!

What is that, you may ask?
Yes, it is very simple. Google is not number one in search because it is very good in penalty areas. They are number one because they have a good way of solving problems. You know, when you hear webmasters complaining that they are being punished, in most cases, this is not the case.

Google knows the tricks of the trade, and to keep their title as the "Kings of Search,"  they must constantly research the different methods used by webmasters to improve their search engine rankings. .

Google has the word "downgrade" because that's exactly what they do.

Remember when all relationships were created equal? This is because at that time, most people are linking to your site because your site has quality content that they think users will be interested in, so the link is based on the project and does not need to link back. This is the reason why many old websites on the web are very popular. Many of their one-way relationships are indicative.

People understand.

Webmasters try to find links that they can point to their sites. For them, it doesn't matter if the relationship is meaningful or not. There are links from gaming sites, adult sites, and free games, all leading to educational sites. It makes no sense, so...

Google caught this.

Google has found several ways to determine if these links are related. Those who do not do so will be "damaged" rather than "punished." 

People understand.

Webmasters know it too. Next is "reciprocal connection." 

Trading or exchanging links between two sites. "If you put my link on your home page, I'll put your link on my site." Still very useful today, but...

Google caught this.

Google says this is good. Many good sites link to each other, but the link patterns are not good where site A links to site B and site B links back, so Google "downgrades" those relationships rather than "punishing" them. People understand.

Nowadays, people buy links to their sites from other sites with high PR. This gives them a one-way connection and PR exchange. That's a good idea, but...

Google caught this. Google thinks, "So, why does this high-quality PR8 hosting website have a text link to this Viasteel PR2 site? The answer is simple, right? Google "downgrades" this type of link.

People understand.

Now people buy the right links to the right websites. This is good!

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with that, and I don't think Google does either. This is called "advertising" and is a common and true form of advertising and marketing for your website. If you look back at the birth of the internet and the first example I gave, you will see that they are very similar. The difference is that in the past, most people contacted you for free, but these days, you have to pay.

Does this make all link-building methods ineffective? absolutely not! This means that these types of links don't cost much, so you need more links to have the same effect.

Well, I hope you know what I mean. I could go on and on about this. It is important that webmasters understand the difference between a "demotion" and a "penalty." 

Punishment for something you did wrong, illegal, or immoral. Depreciation means that the theme is saturated and no longer rare or unique. To remain competitive and reliable, we must develop new and better ways to maintain excellence.

So, before you call it "punishment" and your website is demoted to Google, make sure that Google has not changed their algorithm to reduce your technology.

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