Facts About Logos You Should Know Before Hiring A Logo Design Company

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Logo design is one of the least important areas of web design services. However, it is more than just an abbreviation of the company name; it is a symbol of the future brand. Therefore, it is very important to design it with sufficient time and consideration. Follow the golden rules for logo design companies in Kolkata.

Make it 2D. 

Logos can be both 2D and 3D. Some designers prefer 3D designs because of their uniqueness, but they can sometimes be difficult to read. According to experts, 3D designs are also not suitable for printed materials. Therefore, if you print your logo on your corporate identity, for example, it may be less noticeable if it is attached to letterhead, envelopes, business cards, couriers, etc. Therefore, it is always best to stick to his 2D designs, which are very suitable for most background types.

Prefer monochrome logos. 

You may have come across some colorful logos on the internet. Some of them probably made a big impression on you. However, you should know that using a multi-colored logo will make it difficult to harmonize with the background every time, which will complicate the design work and increase costs. Therefore, no matter what color you use, it is always better to stick to a single color.

be creative

There is no substitute for creativity. Every company has its own symbols, terms, and definitions. Go beyond that and create something catchy, meaningful, and memorable. It will leave an impression on you the moment you notice it. Depending on your type of business, it can be funny, thoughtful, or classy. If you don't want to create a visual, try using the short or full form of your business name, whichever works best for you. Don't confuse customers. 

Avoid using complex artwork that confuses your visitors, says a logo design company in Kolkata. It must convey your message and be memorable. End with a catchy slogan. Cut it short, please. It's probably two or three words long. Avoid using punctuation unless absolutely necessary. Hire a professional content writer to find the perfect slogan for your brand name.

There are several other factors you should consider when designing your logo. It depends on your industry, target customers, future plans, etc. Therefore, consult an experienced designer to get the most future-proof logo for your brand.

Article Source: https://boostarticles.com

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