Email Marketing Is Easy To Track And Optimize.

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Benefits of email marketing

If you want to grow digitally, email marketing is the most effective form of mass communication today and can be an important tool for your business.

Despite the continued growth of social media sites, instant messaging services, and online forums, email remains the dominant force in digital communications, with more than 269 billion emails sent each day.

The numbers continue to rise, with 28% more emails sent in 2016 compared to 2015.

Despite its increasing popularity, many marketers are still struggling to make email marketing work for them, with only 60% of marketers reporting positive ROI from their email marketing campaigns.

With so many brands competing for readers' attention, marketers often feel that their messages are falling on deaf ears (and being ignored!). This concern is important for business owners who are slow to respond to today's more sophisticated email users. People quickly reject your marketing emails without a second thought.

Fortunately, there are tried-and-tested and practical methods available on the web that will show you how to grow your email list faster and reduce the noise in your readers' inboxes so that you can better convey your message.

So, whether you're just starting to build an email list, you want to grow your email list, or you're trying to improve an email marketing campaign that's underperforming, here are the reasons why you should do five things and invest in email marketing to grow your campaign. business. business:

**Email Marketing Image**

By building your email list around high-quality subscribers who are highly interested in a specific niche, you can increase your marketing effectiveness and conversion rate by only targeting people who know your content will be good or useful.

These recipients must give you permission to contact them, for example, by filling out an opt-in form on your website.

The ability to contact a very focused group of individuals who want to receive your marketing (based on their needs) means that email marketing is highly targeted. In contrast to non-targeted marketing, such as print or television advertising, the majority of people who see the ad are not interested in the niche and do not ask to receive the ad. trade, may not know. people outside the company. .

Therefore, non-targeted marketing types have lower conversion rates than email marketing.

Do you know? 
You can use segmentation to achieve a higher level of targeting in your email marketing.

Segmentation is dividing your entire email list into different categories or groups. 

It depends on several criteria, such as:

How you get your customers' email addresses, for example, through purchase or online opt-in forms. Customer's age, gender, or country of residence.
Segmentation allows you to send personalized and highly relevant emails to specific groups.

This relationship results in email open rates that are 14.41% higher than non-partner campaigns, which increases loyalty and ultimately increases conversion rates.

**Get the most results with email marketing**


Email marketing is less expensive than other popular forms of marketing, including advertising campaigns, distance selling, and advertisements in magazines, billboards, or television.

Although email service providers (companies that provide infrastructure that allows sending multiple emails at once) charge a fee for sending email, this fee is usually lower than the cost of printing, posting, and advertising related to other types of marketing. effectiveness

Email marketing is better than social media sites like Facebook to get your message seen.

There are several reasons for this:

People join your email list and connect with your brand on Facebook twice.
On average, people open 24% of emails, and considering Facebook's efforts to push brands to paid ads, only 2% of Facebook fans see each ad.
A McKinsey report summarizing the effectiveness of email marketing compared to social media found that email marketing created nearly 4,000% more customers than Facebook and Twitter.

Email marketing can also be interactive, which is great for sensitive offers like special offers. Return on Income (ROI)

Email marketing can bring long-term benefits to your brand. As your email list grows, you create a digital asset that can generate significant income in the short-term and long-term.
As a result, email marketing has a very high ROI, reaching $44 per $1 spent in 2016.

Email marketing is the best contact method.

A survey of companies offering direct messaging found that 77% of respondents chose email marketing as the best way to receive promotional messages.

Research also shows that 61% of consumers prefer to receive promotional emails at least once a week, while 15% prefer to receive promotional emails daily. ** Email marketing is easy to set up.

Based on the many email marketing services available today, including email service providers (ESPs), plug-in form integration, landing page builders, and many user guides that are available online, email marketing can be a challenge even for those who are interested in email marketing. It is not difficult for people with a lot of experience. Technical capabilities are limited.

Most ESPs agree to track important email marketing metrics such as open rate, click rate, bounce rate, and unsubscribe rate.

Unlike many traditional forms of marketing, these numbers can be accurate (not approximate) and readily available, and they can be quickly changed to email campaigns for better performance.

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