Economics, Considering The Rise And Fall Of Gold Prices

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It is believed that gold lasts forever. Because of this, it has gained an important position in the world economy. Research shows that the price of gold is an important factor in regulating global business. During a financial crisis, the price of gold increases. In some cases, the rise in gold prices may be flawed and illusory. Rising and falling gold prices are typically seen as reflecting current inflationary pressures. That's not always true. Sometimes cause and effect are confused. It is too early to jump to conclusions. The assumptions of long-wave economic theory have proven invaluable in scrutinizing historical trends, showing that gold is the best performer in both respects. It may be interesting to know that these values are given in a long economic cycle at the peak of inflation in the later stages of a deflationary cycle. 

Applied to the current situation, we are facing a second situation, a deflationary cycle. Currently, the price of gold is skyrocketing. According to trading gurus, it makes sense to invest in gold before its price rises beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The most important and decisive factor that has a significant impact on the price of gold is the weaker US dollar. There is a common belief among people that when the price of the dollar falls, the price of gold will rise. The number of people investing in gold is increasing due to concerns that the US dollar will continue to weaken. This is directly proportional to the rise in the price of gold. Rising oil prices are increasing inflationary pressures at the global level.

Inflation is the loss of the value of money. People who fear this tend to invest their money in relatively stable real assets such as gold, which leads to a rise in the price of gold. Although it may sound foreign, the threat of terrorist attacks also plays an important role in gold price fluctuations. Investors tend to diversify into assets such as gold. The latest example to support this theory is the attack in the United States. This attack on the United States may have paralyzed the economy and caused a drop in stock and real estate prices, but it did not have a dramatic impact on the price of gold. Therefore, people all over the world consider this one of the safest investment methods.

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