Day Trading On The Beach—can It Get Any Better?
Finance Published onDay trading generates a lot of hype. Smart providers want you to believe that you can trade anytime, anywhere. You can also take a vacation and earn money at the same time. They promote images of people with laptops on the beach, earning money between swims, building castles with their children, or taking romantic walks with a tanned beauty next to them. To do. This dreamlike image is, of course, just a dream. You cannot trade on the beach. And believe me, I tried. I did everything in my power to make this dream of making money through luxury leisure come true. But the image of a laptop on the beach has some serious problems. There are actually three serious problems.
First, the beach is a sunny place. Of course you say, That makes it a great place to do business! But anyone who has ever taken a computer outside knows that sunlight can obscure the screen. A further problem is that my eyes are sensitive to light, so I have to wear sunglasses (which are also required at the beach). So not only is your laptop's small screen too bright to see, but you also have to put a dark shade between your laptop and your eyes. The only solution I've found is to put an extra large beach towel over myself and the computer. But of course, that defeated the purpose of being out on the beach in the sun, and my kids were embarrassed to be seen with me.
Secondly, the beach is sandy. Again, you might think this is an obvious observation, but providers don't remind you of this point when they sell you this illusion. Sand may seem stationary, but trust me, he's an explorer at heart. I found sand in a place I had forgotten. However, I can take a shower, but the computer cannot. And nothing clogs a laptop fan faster than a few grains of beautiful white sand slowly sanding down all the most intricate parts of your laptop.
Third, time spent at the beach should be vacation, not work. My idea of beach life is to get a good night's sleep, have a good breakfast, and start the day slowly. But day trading comes with its own schedule. The best moves in the market occur during the first two hours after trading begins. If you find yourself on a beach somewhere in Florida, you're in luck. Just wake up at 8 a.m. EST and start trading euros and interest rates at 8:30 a.m. But if your beach image includes the Pacific Ocean, set your alarm for 5 a.m. And Hawaii? Why bother sleeping? No, the truth is that day trading is not like sitting on the beach. It actually takes a lot of effort. Even if you find a wireless connection by the water, you still need to chart trends, research markets, and track transactions. The truth is, the beach is a distraction. It should be. However, if the market is trending down rapidly and has already crossed your stop loss, the last thing you want to do is get distracted. As the market continues to fall, all the fun you had splashing around in the water isn't as much fun sitting down in front of your computer, no matter how many great photos you have right now. You may have to sell your digital camera and hitchhike back home to make up for your losses.
No, you shouldn't mix day trading with a day at the beach. Day trading is more convenient now, so you can enjoy more days in the sun or at the beach later. So, as quickly as you wipe sand off your butt, erase the image of a sunlit laptop from your mind and get back to work. Vacations are so much more fun when you have the time.
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