Australian Web Design Traps Everyone Should Know About

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Today, Australian web design has to be more versatile to fit many platforms. Developers need to create websites that can be viewed not only on desktop PCs but also on small laptops, netbooks, tablets, and smartphones. To ensure all bases are covered, you can also design your website to be viewed on internet-enabled televisions. However, there are pitfalls to avoid when designing a website.

Too much, too little

Trying to do too many things at once on your website can be very annoying. One of the most common website design mistakes in Australia is having cluttered web pages. This is because developers design for customers, not their customers' customers. Having too much on your website can cause confusion for your visitors.

The way to avoid clutter is to go through a process of elimination. Create a clear path for visitors to move through your site. Avoid placing too many icons or buttons, and keep the text of your content consistent so that your visitors don't read it in Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, etc.

Errors while loading and building

Nothing turns a potential customer off more than a website that says "under construction" when you open it. If that happens, your competitors are likely to profit from your breadcrumbs because your customers are unlikely to come back. Essentially, Australian web design is a constantly evolving process. Web developers and owners can't really claim that a website is finished, as they have to deal with new innovations as they emerge. The trick is not to tell your customers that. Therefore, avoid mentioning "under construction" on your website.

Have you ever come across a website that tilts uncomfortably to the side of the screen? Or one that doesn't fit on the screen? One of the recommended resolutions for Australian web design is 640 x 480, but currently the screen is wider and has a standard resolution of 1024 x 768. It cannot handle lower resolutions without sacrificing display. So, how do you deal with it? Developers should use percentages instead of static values in tables so that the site can automatically adjust to monitor size and resolution.

Don't forget your phone. 

One of the most common web development mistakes in Australia and still made is limiting content to small screens. While this may have been possible in the past when smart mobile devices were less capable and powerful, it makes no sense to provide a substandard experience when switching from a PC to a mobile device.

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