Assess Your Abilities—one Step Closer To Success

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I remember attending numerous social gatherings as a child and hearing familiar and unfamiliar faces alike asking questions. ``What do you want to be when you grow up?'' Because this question is constantly thrown at us like a boomerang throughout our student lives. But what I find strange is that very few people actually tend to stick to the same answer. Sharing my personal anecdote changes my answer to the same question significantly. I did. My answer as a young student living a happy and ignorant life was to become a doctor. As I became a little more mature and self-discovered, I realized that becoming a doctor was never my thing. So the second phase of my answer began with the teacher, but that too quickly disappeared. And similarly, as the years went by and I became a little more self-actualized, my answer changed, but to be honest, the final answer still doesn't hit the mark.

I think most of you can relate to my case. And for those who think this article is an autobiography of a not-so-popular writer (which is me, by the way), I want to clarify...

I hope you know that I am not the main character of this article. In fact, all of us (with a few exceptions) are. And this article aims to highlight a very important but little-considered topic: how important it is to discover our true potential and strengths. You've probably heard motivational speakers frequently repeat the fact that each person is unique. We all remember this, but few of us follow it. Due to huge competition, we are all often trapped in a world of illusions, where it is almost impossible to know ourselves. However, it is important to mention that embarking on a successful career without analyzing yourself in detail is a terrible mistake and can result in many of us being in a state of utter misery. .

Therefore, before planning future career options, our main goal should be to understand ourselves better. When I say "understand," I mean exploring your potential, finding what you're truly interested in, and finding activities that give you an adrenaline rush every time you do them. It is to recognize the work that does not tire us and allows us to make the most of our abilities.

It may seem far-fetched to some, but if you think about it seriously, all of this is possible. If you diligently focus your efforts and time on this activity of self-discovery, the end result will be miraculous. The logic behind it is simple. If your goals are not clear, all your efforts will be wasted. But once you know your goal, there's no stopping you. You will be able to best monitor the progress of your efforts and commitments, and more importantly, you will feel no need for external motivation. However, this is not a one-day process for him. This is a process on which we must work diligently every day. Highlight: Discovering who you really are should be your primary goal, not choosing a career option. Because as soon as the former is completed, the latter will follow. Not sure how to proceed? Like I said, this is a process that requires patience. We must accept all kinds of activities in order to open the door to the most unexpected results. We must engage in all kinds of tasks and situations that life throws at us so that we can truly evaluate our position. We must try to expand our knowledge base and learn more about our surroundings (contrary to the saying, ignorance is bliss).

But most of us also suffer from some degree of narcissism. Therefore, biased evaluations may be included. But even such problems have solutions. Fortunately, we live in a world full of intellectuals who recognized this problem long before I thought of it and who are therefore able to provide excellent support for this self-discovery with an almost negligible margin. There are already many organizations working on developing tools that can help. Because of prejudice. Thanks to these organizations, your workload will be halved, and you will get better results.

This concludes the discussion and leaves it open-ended for the reader to consider future work. But I sincerely hope that at least some of my readers will be able to confidently smile and give the same answer every time to the ultimate question, and that that answer will one day turn out to be true. 

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