Advantages Of Using Mobile Apps For Meetings

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Mobile apps for meetings are widely used when attending events using a smartphone. Read this article to learn more about the benefits you can enjoy by using these apps when attending upcoming events.

Detailed schedule and availability

Events apps primarily provide details about ongoing events. Everything from the schedule and times of all seminars, programs, and workshops to the list of speakers giving speeches is available in the app.


When attending an event, you may feel like attending all the workshops, seminars, and conferences and want to focus on a few selected activities. This app helps you bookmark these events. You will receive a notification when the time is up, and you will be notified accordingly.

Social wall

event apps allow you to get in touch with your event right from the start. We offer you a unique social wall where you can post photos and videos of your ongoing events. This app allows you to share it with other users who are logged in through the same app.

Personal event guide

Another advantage of using a mobile event application is that it acts as your personal tour guide. There's no need to go to a physical help desk and ask your stakeholders for directions to a specific seminar room or a specific location for their favorite activity. The app displays directions and allows you to easily find your way.

Live Voting Live voting is a very important feature provided by mobile applications, especially US event apps. This is beneficial for both event attendees and organizers, as organizers can track survey results to keep up with the ongoing event. Meanwhile, participants who logged in through the app can freely share their opinions by answering surveys. Live Q&A session:

Perhaps the most talked-about benefit of the app is its live Q&A section. It's common for attendees to ask questions of speakers at conferences and seminars, and apps make that process much easier. There is no need to run to the microphone in the seminar room and shout your questions. Sit back, relax, type your doubts and questions in the app itself, and let the speaker check them in the app itself. Speakers will respond individually to all questions collected. This actually saves time and avoids potential problems in the seminar room.

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