Add Something To Your Look With A Diamond Necklace

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If you ask any Indian jewelry store owner, he will admit that gold chains are the most popular type of jewelry. Diamond necklaces are not far behind, almost taking second place in India's growing demand for jewelry. Indians, not fully affected by the global recession, are starting to see jewelry as an asset during economically difficult times, rather than just a show of high income.

However, there are some considerations to keep in mind before deciding to purchase gold jewelry. The first step is to check the purity of the gold. If you are thinking that the solid gold necklace you purchase is made of pure 24 karat gold, you need to curb that wild thought. Gold is a soft metal, so on its own, it doesn't have the strength needed to create jewelry shapes. To do this, you need to mix either silver or copper. There are three types of gold jewelry: 18K, 20K, and 22K. The higher the number, the more gold the jewelry contains.

If you are buying a diamond necklace, you need to be a little more careful, as it requires more care than buying gold jewelry. When it comes to diamonds, it's essential to pay attention to the four C's: cut, clarity, color, and carat. Due to the above factors, the design and aesthetics of the final product may vary. Because diamonds that rank highly in all four categories will definitely be expensive for your wallet. If you are on a tight budget, you should look for the first and last elements, cut and carat, respectively. A properly cut diamond will shine. The great thing about diamond and gold chains is that there are a variety of options to choose from. There are two main types of necklaces: the regular diamond type and the pendant type. In diamond necklaces, the entire necklace is covered in diamonds, while in pendant versions with diamonds, they hang from a silver or gold chain.

Divine and diamond jewelry has its own charm and can easily brighten up the entire look of any outfit, ultimately letting your dress and jewelry speak of your elegance.

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