4 Best Business Books By Women Every Woman Should Read

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The number of female business leaders remains underrepresented compared to the group of male executives and founders. Although these numbers are still not very close, the good news is that female entrepreneurship is on the rise.

What's even more interesting is that 71% of new women-owned businesses are run by women of color.

These are some impressive facts, aren't they?
To help you stay motivated and introduce you to other rockstar leaders, we've compiled some of the best business books by women.

In recent years, the U.S. economy has continued to steadily improve. Part of this is due to the success and strength of small businesses. And one of the positive trends that can be observed is the increase in female entrepreneurship.

The proportion of women in business has steadily increased over the past two decades. Many people really hope that this positive trend will develop further.

Caps and tax changes are proposed that could slow the development of women-owned small businesses and open more opportunities for women entrepreneurs. “Overcome Your Damn Self” by Romi Neustadt

If you want to learn how to dispel doubts, realign your mind to your goals, and ultimately find a balance between professional freedom and flexibility, this is for you.

Now, she's building a direct sales and book blog marketing empire and wants to share how she's cultivating the life she wants.

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

In her book, the creator of Grey's Anatomy and Scandal talks about her own rise from shy Hollywood newcomer to visionary and broken TV personality.

In the end, she takes the leap of faith necessary to make her dreams come true.

What I Told My Daughter Nina Tassler

Although not directly related to business, Nina Tassler's book features various women who give advice to her daughter. From advice on love, friendship, and career, I give my daughter valuable advice while reminding her of what's really important in life.

This is a moving book that will make you want to call your mom!

Broken by Elizabeth Lesser

How many times in your life have you run away from your dreams because you were afraid of failure?
Of course, fear keeps us from pain and sacrifice, but it also makes us less likely to succeed. Elizabeth Lesser teaches you how to turn her failures into opportunities for positive growth.

Gender discrimination and challenges make open reading more important. The last word

Girls may experience more abuse and problems within companies, which may be related to increased levels of social involvement in women-run companies.

There is a tendency to judge impacts on neighborhoods based on the economic value they create.

There is still much work to be done to achieve equality between men and women in entrepreneurship. But recent months have shown us that all we need to do to help them grow is to give more girls the opportunity and help them get started. Although these four books of hers are completely different, they all have one characteristic in common. It's about fundamentally accepting who you are and encouraging you to take advantage of what that gives you. The cliché "your biggest enemy is yourself" is true.

When you learn how to stop struggling, you will find opportunities for success. These books will give you just that.

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