18 Cooking Tips And Techniques For Everyone

Food And Drinks Published on

Whether you're a beginner, a weekend cook like my husband, or a professional chef, it's always helpful to know some kitchen tips and tricks. We all cook, but whether it's just for ourselves or for the whole family, new tips and tricks never hurt (even if you just want to use them as a fun fact).

Here are 18 of the best tips and tricks anyone can use in the kitchen.

(1) Food preparation (shopping and cutting) reduces the stress of cooking and meal preparation. Get all your shopping and chops done over the weekend to get ready for the week ahead.
(2) Spices: Many people store spices in a small cupboard above the stove. Did you know that it needs to be stored in a cool, dry place because light and heat will ruin its flavor?
(3) When making pasta, boil it for 1 minute less than usual, then finish boiling the pasta in the pot with the sauce.
(4) After handling garlic, rub it vigorously in a stainless steel sink for 1 minute before washing your hands to remove the odor from your hands.
(5) For a richer, creamier dressing, replace half the mayonnaise with Greek yogurt. (6) For better baking, leave the butter and eggs on the counter overnight.
(7) When boiling pasta, do not add oil to the water. The sauce won't stick to the pasta.
(8) If you want to chop the garlic, put it in a plastic bag and crush it with the flat side of a knife. This will prevent everything from becoming garlicky.
(9) When making a meat marinade, do not add citrus fruits. This will give the meat a mellow texture. Instead, consider adding citrus to the sauce at the end.
(10) When frying, be careful not to overcrowd the pan. Otherwise, the food will steam without burning. Consider sautéing in small batches.
(11) Buy an inexpensive knife sharpener and sharpen your knife. You can prepare more efficiently.
(12) Be sure to let the meat rest after cooking.
(13) After cooking or blanching vegetables, soak them briefly in ice water to preserve their bright colors.
(14) If you buy seasonal fruits at the farmers market and freeze them, you can cook with delicious fruits all year round.
(15) When cooking, it's okay to improvise seasonings, but when baking bread, be sure to measure your ingredients. Bread-making is a science.
(16) To get all the juice out of a lemon or lime, roll it between your palms for about a minute, then cut it open.
(17) Please clean the road. Cooking becomes easier and more fun. (And your wife won't be as mad if you make a mess in the kitchen.) 

(18) Don't be too hard on yourself in the kitchen. Everyone makes mistakes; it's part of the journey.

How many of them did you already know? Many of them did, but it pays to remember tip #18 in particular. Don't put pressure on yourself when cooking. All the fun is lost. I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Burning dinner? No problem; that's why there are pizza delivery services. Enjoy cooking!

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